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Site Project Controls Engineer, Exxon Mobil, EPC1 Banyu Urip Project ExxonMobil Cepu Limited

START Date: 
April, 2014
END Date: 
September, 2015

• Provide stewardship for Functional Support and daily-weekly reporting (POB, Dia-In Piping and QC cheksheet).
• Review and monitor the Contractor’s performance in the areas of scheduling and progress measurement, also provide input as necessary to assist the Company’s milestone are achieved.
• Prepare all required weekly reports and provide project execution report into the Project Execution Monthly Report.
• Coordinate with Construction team and Contractor team to maintain the target schedule as Contractor 3 week look ahead plan.
• Coordinate with Commissioning team to intergrated the contruction works and commissioning milestone.
• Involved in Ready For Start Up Inspection for killing punch list item.
• Monitoring and review daily POB report from Contractor