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Senior Specialist, Scheduling/Planning, "KBR (Kellogg, Brown & Root) Design & Construction", EP-300 UNIT (ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE PLANT) REVAMPING Plant Project

START Date: 
October, 2017
END Date: 
June, 2018





                                                                      From: 2 October 2017 up to 20 June 2018.                                                                                                                                             

Position:  Senior Specialist, Scheduling/Planning

Project involved:



  • Unit EP-300 revamping (Unit 001)
    • Common EP-300
    • Pyrolysis Furnaces
    • Hot Section
    • Gas Compression
    • Ethylene Recovery and Demethanization
    • C2 Fraction Treatment
    • C3 Fraction Treatment
    • C4 + Fraction Treatment
    • Ethylene Refrigeration Cycle
    • Propylene Refrigeration Cycle
    • Utilities
  • Refinery Dry Gas Treatment Unit (RDGTU) (UNIT 002)
    • Common RDGTU
    • Water Wash and Compression
    • Caustic Wash
    • Impurities Removal
  • New Ethylene and Propylene storage facilities (STORAGE) (Unit 003)
    • Common Storage
    • Ethylene Storage
    • Propylene Storage
  • Interconnecting unit including pipe rack and interconnecting pipes between EP-300 existing area and EP 300 new sections / RDGTU (Unit 004)



  • Interconnecting pipe rack from Storage Unit to EP-300 unit
    • Liquid Ethylene rundown line from EP-300 battery limit to New Storage Area battery limit
    • Vapour ethylene boil-off line from New Storage Area battery limit to EP-300 battery limit
    • Flare sub-header from New Storage Area battery limit to tie-in point on Cold Dry Flare Header Upstream Flare KO Drum E-95 inside EP-300. Such sub-header is intended to be in stainless steel material suitable for cold dry relieves from New Storage Area
  • Storage Area
    • Storage Substation
    • Retaining Wall
    • Ethylene & Propylene Bullet’s
  • CCB Control Building Unit.
  • Trail Dig’s


Job Description:


  • Consultation to EPC Project Plan for All level.
  • Preparing Plan for Client at All level.
  • Preparing Shut Down Plan/Schedule
  • Schedule updating.
  • Analysis EPC Schedules.
  • Minutes of Meetings.
  • All Project items analysis.
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Reports (Checking).
  • Site Construction Support.
  • Piling Progress for each pile Bored & Screw.
  • Support to the project team in definition of corrective action
  • Provides project management consultation on factors affecting the timely completion of projects.
  • Checking Subcontractors Level 4 Schedules.
  • Progress updating.
  • Civil, Steel, Piping, Electrical works progress monitoring.
  • Checking available work front.
  • Preparing databases for overall progress and each of works.
  • Preparing plan and progress summary Dismantling and Relocation of Existing U/G Systems & Trial Digs
  • Taking EPC reports under control.
  • Reporting to Client (Daily, Weekly &Monthly with attached’s)
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling):