Project Manager and Project Control, State Rail Authority( now called Sydney Trains, NSW), Track Imporvement Project Tamworth--Armidale Project
Miguel Trujillo
1/25 Princess Street
Brighton–Le-Sands, NSW, 2216
Mobile Phone: 0433-2000-23
Work Phone: 02-89220307
Career Summary
Project control engineer with a ten years record of successful controlling, scheduling and managing of large scale projects in a firm by developing systems, tools, cost estimates, scheduling, developing outline for project implementation, product functionality, managing project resources, monitoring projects from initiation to implementation, maintaining project records and process templates, provide technical specifications, handling project related issues, conducting project analysis, and ensure that project is executed as per plan.
Key Skills and strengths
o Possess strong leadership, communication, and project management skills.
o Capable of leading high performing teams under tough deadlines, to meet expectations of multiple customers.
o Manage the derivation of costing to a project using “Candy” software.
o Proficient in scheduling with the use of “Primavera version 6 & Microsoft Project schedule”. Knowledge of BIM, Synchro version 4.5, Tilos scheduling softwares.
o Proficient in the use of Mims and Ellipse financial system in order to track expenditures.
o Strong communicator skills (verbal and written).
o Problem solver-Creativity and forethought in solving complex project issues.
o Organizational ability and multi-tasking skills.
o Service orientation – “People person “and a team player.
Objective Statement
Provide control and leadership to plan, direct and coordinate management program activities and key projects.
1985 - 1987 Master in Business Administration
De la Salle University, Philippines.
1984 - 1985 Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Engineering
National University, Philippines.
1976 - 1981 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
University of Santo Thomas, Philippines.
Accepted as a Member of Institute of Engineers Australia.
Accepted by National Office of Overseas Skills. The above Bachelor and Master degrees were recognized in Australia as comparable to an Australian Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree.
Accepted as an Associate Member of Australian Institute of Project Management (Membership no. 5787).
Rail Corp, (Sydney)
Position held: Project Engineer
Employer: Rail Corp, Asset Information Registry
Period: January 2007- current
o Delivered and programmed software changes and system developments.
o Managed and giving presentation to the sponsor, stakeholders and managements pertains to the concept briefs, design and solution concept with the use of power point.
o Programmed and managed software developments using the 9 methodologies of Project Management.
o Provided reports on the software developments on a monthly basis using cash flows and earned value technique.
o Provided latest report updates to the sponsors and managements with regards to the software developments.
o Have supervised and facilitated software testings between Business and Information Communication Technology.
o Completed user guides, training manual documents and post implementation review.
Have completed the implementation of the various software developments currently use within the Rail Corp organization:
o Asset Management Planner II (AMPII) – is a web based application help to support the development of AWP (Annual Work Program) consist of Rail Corps’ RM (Routine Maintenance), (MPM) Major Periodic Maintenance, and Capital budget. AMP ll provides a method and tool-sets to plan work across Rail Corp.
o Infrastructure Failure Management System (IFMS) – is a web based system use to create, collate and action on system failures management within rail and track assets.
o Safety Interaction – is a web based system use to collate and action on observations via human behaviours on sites to help prevent and minimize accident from happening.
o DAD projects – Discrete Asset Data- is a web based system use to upgrade and collate of the discrete data within the track environment.
o ISG to MGA project – created a web based system for collating and compilation of survey data within the rail track.
o Heritage data – compiled and defined heritage assets across the RailCorp network.
o Turnout renewal programme- compiled and developed a system of turnout renewal programme for Rail Corp.
Rail Corp, (Sydney)
Position held: System Consultant
Employer: Rail Corp, Asset Information Registry
Period: March 2003- January 2007
o Project managed different system development plans.
o Established and maintained the Engineering System products by providing software management using Microsoft Framework solutions and Engineering policies.
o Developed the creation of user and test cases for software development.
o Provided financial reports to management.
o Liaised with the Sponsors, stakeholders and users to ensure that the documentations, realisation and completion of the projects were correct.
o Developed Microsoft project schedule or Primavera schedule to ensure that the projects were delivered on time.
Delivered projects on time and within budget were as follows:
o Safety Web II projects
o Development of Cognos reports for Safety Web II
o Bridge defects data entered to Teams 3
o Development of test cases and testing of AM Planner II
o Development of Ellipse coding for Communication Control System
o Improvement of Network access within Regional areas
o Initiation of Citrix software to all regional areas
o Comparative analysis of Dial-up, Dial-up Citrix LAN slow, LAN slow Citrix & LAN fast for different Metropolitan region.
o Upgrading of Project explorer system
o Information analysis of Fire equipments
o Information analysis of HVAC(Heating, ventilation and air condition) equipments
The projects were carefully planned using the concept of Project management book, Microsoft Solution Framework, Scope, Holocentric and Microsoft Project or Primavera Schedules.
Rail Access Corporation, (Argus Telecommunications)
Position held: Project Scheduler
Position held: Cost /Schedule Engineer .
Employer: Rail Access Corporation
Period: August 1998- March 2003
o Managed and collated the cost estimate of the Capital and MPM projects of Argus Telecommunications for the year 1998-2003.
o Developed and assured that Microsoft project schedules were maintained on all Capital and MPM project
o Managed the project monthly reports and gave advice on project delays and corresponding measures to bring the project on time.
o Provided reports to the General Manager about on-going expenditures of Capital and MPM projects on monthly basis.
Provided programs (five year forward planning), project controls and executed the project management methodologies plus monitoring the project expenditures and Microsoft project schedule or Primavera schedules for the following projects:
o NSR (National Southern Railway) project-program scheduled
o Train Radio projects
o Exchange projects
o Data communication projects
o Street Vision projects
o BVCN projects
o Metropolitan Project
o VCS Broadmeadow replacement
o Installation of Internet for 6 Pilot schools
A Master Schedule plan was developed for the whole projects.
Rail Access Corporation, (Argus Telecommunications)
Position held: Project Scheduler
Employer: Rail Access Corporation
Argus Telecommunication
NSW, Australia
Period: August 1998- March 2003
Rail Access Corporation telecommunication arms engaged in the building and maintenance of telecommunication lines in the stations, data communication, transmission lines, telephony, Radio and microwave towers within NSW.
State Rail Authority, Rail Com
Position held: Project Programmer
Employer: State Rail Authority
Rail Com
NSW, Australia
Period: September 1995- August 1998
State Rail Authority Telecommunication arms engaged in the building and maintenance of telecommunication lines in the stations, data communication, transmission lines, telephony, Radio and microwave towers within NSW.
State Rail Authority
Position Held: Professional Engineer Class II
Employer: State Rail Authority
Division Engineer, Werris Creek
NSW, Australia
Period: June 1993 – September 1995
o Managed, programmed and delivered the Tamworth- Armidale Track Improvement Project ($6.1 million) within the required budget, quality and on-time.
o Managed and delivered the plant hire schedule of the Northern region per year.
o Programmed and scheduled the activities required for Tamworth- Armidale project.
o Managed and supervised the internal and external contractors for Tamworth-Armidale project.
o Managed the project manager reports as per requirements of division.
o Organised monthly meetings with the sponsors, division heads and stakeholders as per accomplishments of the project.
o Designed, managed and implemented Geotechnical cuttings, widening of level crossing, improvements of level crossing, embankments, loop extension and new turnout,.
o Managed, designed and supervised the elimination of French rails and creep peg installation within the track.
o Awarded and recommended hire of heavy equipments, materials and contracts for Tamworth- Armidale project.
o Recommended and approved contracts and accomplishment payments for invoiced contractors.
o Tamworth/Armidale Track Improvement Project ($6.1 million) completed under budget.
o Geotechnical Site Improvement 485, 495, 499, 482 km ($1.2 million
o Level Crossing Improvement at 521, 519, 469, 467 km ($700,000)
o Widening of Level Crossing Site Distance at 424 km ($300,000)
o Improvement of Duri Cutting at 428 km ($185,000)
o Cutting and Widening of Danglemah 493 km ($300,000)
o Benching and Cutting of Embankment at 491 km ($200,000)
o Construction of Breeza Loop Extension and Construction of New Turnout ($400,000)
o Narrabri Embankment Improvement ($250,000)
o Creep Peg Installation ($186,000)
o Plant hire schedule for the Northern Region
o Elimination of French Rails – Werris Creek/Armidale ($375,000)
State Rail Authority, Central Station
Position Held: Station Assistant Class 1
Employer: State Rail Authority
Central Electric Station
NSW, Australia
Period: January 1993 – June 1993
A company engaged in NSW train operations and customer service.
Sydney Electricity (now called Integral Energy)
Position Held: Apprentice Electrical fitter/Mechanic
Employer: Sydney Electricity
NSW, Australia
Period: January 1992 – January 1993
A company engaged in the Electricity distribution and collection of payments within the NSW.
Quad Construction
Position Held: Casual Estimator (on-call basis)
Employer: Q.U.A.D Construction
NSW, Australia
Period: June 1991 – January 1992
A company in NSW engaged in construction of building and hotel renovations, kitchen and bathroom tilings.
ZIP heaters Australia Pty. Ltd.
Position Held: Casual Machine Operator
Employer: Zip Heaters Australia Pty. Ltd.
NSW, Australia
Period: March 1991- June 1991
A company in NSW engaged in the manufacture and installation of hot water system.
Quad Construction
Position Held: Casual Estimator (on-call basis)
Employer: Q.U.A.D Construction
NSW, Australia
Period: November 1990 – March 1991
o Duties previously defined
Foxman and Sons Pty. Ltd.
Position Held: Casual Estimator (full time after 3 months)
Employer: Foxman and Sons Pty. Ltd.
NSW, Australia
Period: May 1989 – November 1989
A company in Eastern suburb, NSW engaged in the demolition of buildings and houses,
Asbestos removal and road base coarse supplier.
December 1989 – January 1988: International Travel
Bell IRH
Position Held: Lighting Assembler
Employer: Bell IRH Pty. Ltd.
NSW, Australia
Period: February 1988 – 1988
A company engaged in the manufacture of lighting fixtures like fluorescent light, spotlight, street lights, Halogen lamps and other lighting fixtures.
M.A.T. Construction
Position Held: President and General Manager
Employer: M.A.T. Construction
Manila, Philippines
Period: 1987- 1990
A construction firm engaged as a general contractor involved on government and private firms, specialising in designs, repairs, refurbishment and construction.
o Commissioned, negotiated, coordinated and completed construction projects to the value of $150k.
o Prepared tender bid documents, designs and estimates on request from clients.
o Approved tender bids in behalf of M.A.T Construction.
o Managed and allocated engineers and architects on various projects.
o Contracted and Build numerous houses, buildings and land developments for government and private constructions in the Philippines to range value of $150,000 -$200,000.
o Successful achievements from small to medium contractor in the Philippines.
National Housing Authority, Philippines
Position Held: Supervising Engineer
Employer: National Housing Authority
Quezon City, Philippines
Period: 1982 – 1987
A government authority engaged in providing urban planning development, land development and modular Bliss houses for the Philippines government.
o Developed contract documents, design plans and project estimates for subdivision development for a contract value of more than $70,000.
o Supervised, evaluated and approved progress payments from invoice of contractors.
o Evaluated and approved engineering plans endorsed by subordinate engineers.
o Coordinated and consulted with other government agencies for the turn-over plans and facilities.
o Supervised the development of Projects and Project Engineers.
o Developed Tatalon land estate into a complete community and subdivision lot and housing estate for urban poor by providing drainage, water and sewerage system.
o Introduced a method of calculating a water network system by the use of ‘Nodding”, resulted in a faster and more efficient way of designing a water network.
o Constructed concrete and asphalt roads and constructed earth dam.
o Designed and constructed recreational facilities for the community like basketball court.
V.C. Ponce Construction, Philippines
Position Held: Project Engineer
Employer: V.C. Ponce Construction
Quezon City, Philippines
Period: 1981 – 1982
A private construction company engaged in land development, concreting roads and construction of bridges and horizontal infrastructure.
o Evaluated and recommended designs and estimates for managers.
o Supervised, monitored and prepared materials and sub-contractor progress payments.
o Prepared tender bid documents for the construction of oil pipelines and refineries at Brunei, Darrusalam.
o Managed and supervised subdivision development at Cavite, Philippines.
o Successfully won the contract for the construction of the oil pipelines and refineries at Brunei, Darrusalam.
o Developed, managed and supervised subdivision development at Cavite, Philippines.
o Designed, estimated and recommended subdivision developments to managers and director for approvals.
o Recommended payments to sub-contractors progress payments
October 26 2012-January 21,2013 Certificate 1V Project Management by University New England
October 22-24 2012 Project Management in Primavera P6 Rel.7 by Oracle University at North Sydney (by Lena Grahn)
May 19-22 2008 Advanced Project Management (PM301)
Presented by: Living Planit Ltd
May 2007 Asset Management for Engineers & Managers course
February 1 2006 Holocentric Business Process Modelling intermediate workshop version 4.5
August 4-5 2005 Holocentric Business Process Modelling introductory workshop version 4.5
May 10-12 2005 Function Point Analysis (Project Scope & Estimate) Total Metrics version 4.2
February 2005 Mincom information management and overview of ellipse version 4.5
June 2003 Microsoft Framework Solution
February 2003 “Candy Estimating” software
November 1999 Project Management Seminars in association of University of Technology and Argus Telecommunication
September 1999 Primavera Schedule
August 26-27, 1999 Impromtu report writing (Cognos)
June 29-30, 1999 Advanced Microsoft Project Schedule 98 at Bligh Street, Sydney
May 17, 1999 Manage Multiple Projects, Objectives & Dead line. Skilled Path seminar. Moderator: John Kennedy.
February 2-3, 1999 Finance for Non-Financial Managers
November 1997 In Search Institute of Commerce in assoc. with University of Technology in Sydney.
Completed: Applied Financial Management.
September 23-24,1997 Sure Track seminar at Bay Street, Broadway
September 1997 Seminar on Lotus Notes 4.5 at Blue Street, North Sydney.
July 22,1997 MIMS Project Control Review.
MIMS General Ledger
July 25, 1995 Policy & Procedures for Capital Works
May 18,1994 Procurement Guidelines course and Supply-line.
November 1993 Policy and Procedure for the hire of Private plant on a time basis.
September ,1993 Introduction to D-Base IV.
July, 1992 Total Quality Seminar, Sydney Electricity
June, 1992 Putting People First, Sydney Electricity
April, 1992 Explosive Course, Open day College
January – November 1992 Electrical Fitter/Mechanic, T.A.F.E. College, Sydney
September - October 1990 Comprehensive computer-aided design.
Language: MS DOS, Release 10.
Computer -aided cost estimates
Language: Lotus 123
February 1985 Expanded uses of plastic piping system in Construction and Industry. Lecturer: Moldex Group of Companies
Organised by: National University, Philippines
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