Project Controls Manager UK Group, BEUMER Group UK, Q6 Heathrow Baggage Project Works / Heathrow Baggage Applications & IT / DHL Sortation System / Gatwick Airports Carousel & Early Bag Store
All these projects revolved around either installing completely new Crisplant Sortation Systems, Upgrading old IT infrastructure systems to new SAC/SCARDA/IT Software & Hardware systems. We had civil structures to remove such as supporting walls and foundation breakout/Re-enforcement to accommodate the new structural loading requirements for all the new equipment. Any Electrical/Communication/Network or CCTV infrastructure that was along the structures to be demolished also required re-diversion and planning of temporary diversion routes prior to disconnections. I was responsible for ensuring our Change Management Systems, Planning Schedules and Business Procedures where implemented and controlled. Reporting to the Head of Project Delivery & Board level on Project performance, NCR issues, Cost Control and Planning Teams.
- Lead & Managed the Planning, Programme Quality, Cost and Change Controls teams & Procedures.
- Managed & Lead Monthly Project Health Check Meetings to Group on current status of Portfolio Projects.
- Built & Developed the Contracts & Procurement elements associated with these works in the schedule either at Tender/Design or Installation Phases.
- Increased Acceptance of Contractual Programme Submissions to 97%.
- Managed Monthly reporting of Earned Value, SPI & CPI, and Increased Profitability by 15%
- Steered Mitigation planning meetings & discussions to assist in delivering schedule to key Contract Dates or Triggers
- Managed Schedule Risks to UK Group & reported as part of our Monthly Project Health Check Meetings
- Managed Procurement processes to drive 20% efficiency into early order placement vs Storage Costs
- Undertook Business Travel to Europe for meetings.
- Managed resource planning to cover project requirements
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