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Sr. Project Control Engineer/ Forensic Planner, Hawk International Finance and Construction Co., Ltd., YEMEN Projects - see Description of Role / Duties Details

START Date: 
March, 2009
END Date: 
October, 2012


Responsible for developing the Project Controls training, standards and procedures, providing scheduling, estimating, and claims expertise, as well as taking on project control responsibilities on project site as needed.

Prepares tender schedules, resource requirements and cash flow for Pipelines, Oil and Gas Plants, Power Plants, Roads and Bridges, Dams, etc for Middle East and Africa projects. Prepare and verify construction schedules and construction reports on ongoing projects. Evaluates contract documents and prepares planning and progress measurement procedure and ensure proper implementation. Coordinate actions for monthly invoices. Liase with clients in relation to project control issues. Reviews and evaluates change orders and provides contract interpretation if necessary. Supports project control initiatives at work site.

Evaluates the project events related to schedule impacts for EOT Claim, including analyzing delay and disruption on an after-the-fact basis to determine excusable and compensable delays. Conducts critical path analysis and as-built versus as-planned analysis. Reviewed contemporaneous project records to search for events related to schedule impacts for EOT Claim. Prepares and documents the claim for Productivity Loss, and pricing of the overall claim. Provided technical support to the legal team in the arbitration process, as necessary. 



Al sitteen/ al reyassah multi-level intersection project – yemen

Kharir POwer plant Project – Yemen (Technip/ Hawk Consortium)

Kharir Wellhead monitorinG Project – Yemen

Kharir Overhead Lines Project – Yemen

OMV oil export pipeline project – yemen

ylng project (Claims preparation) – Yemen

YLNG upstream facilities project (claims preparation) – yemen