Number of different projects implement
Project management: work mostly with startups
DevOps: Ansible, OpsCode Chef, Vagrant
Pure JS stack: Javascript, Node.JS, MongoDB
Client stack: plain javascript , jquery, AngularJS, HTML5 api's.
Server-side stack: Windows (ASP.NET MVC), Python, LAMP
Exchange student from IIM Calcutta. 3 years of work experience across Ecommerce and Supply Chain
Working as a Product Analyst in the Customer Experience Domain
IT, engineering, project development
Project Management
Marketing Management
Business Negotiation
Business Franchising
Operations and Supply Chain
Project Event Management
Public Relations Management
Human Resource Management
Strategic Management
Accounting for Managers
Business Studies & Econmics for Managers
Microsoft Office 365 Ambassador
Responsible for MS Office 365 pubilicity among students
Brand ambassadors fro MS Office 365 suite opf products
Respoinsbile to attend Microsoft Team briefings on campus
Responsible for proper marketing of products
Responsible for proper technical demonstration of products and services to students
Managing team to support legacy software solutions and to build newer solutions required for business using latest .net and MS SQL server
Managing team to support legacy software solutions and to build newer solutions required for business
Team Manager
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