Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Christian Hellerschmied

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I've started my career as a design engineer and got there in contact with railway construction the first time. The same year, recognizing that design isn't my long lasting target, I switched to execution.


In the beginning, being in a construction company, I started as techician for railway construction in the surrounding area of Vienna. Being there for around 3 years I was asked to join a tender procedure for a project in the center of Romania. To prepare the schedule and convince the Employer that we will be able to finish a 140 Million EUR project in time became my task.

5 years later we finished, with extension of time of course. Instead of 3 years it took 4. Not that bad considering the complications involved. That time I've been repsonsible for the entire project as exection manager. We prepared more than 100 claims, submitted more than 200 variations and beyond 3000 letters to the Engineer. From there I've been involved in the DAB and Arbitration procedure, have been witness of fact and finally 2017 we received an Award, positive result involved.

But I haven't been just in Arbitration 5 years.


I managed another railway project from 2013 until 2015 in Bulgaria, at the border to Turkey and Greece with a volume of 60 Million EUR. Same story with an Award at the end 2017.

Since 2016 I'm working for the corporate. With all my experience from construction site, the troubles out there, the processes going inefficient and so on, I try to change mentalities. As a head of department for "Business Excellence" since February 2018 we put the focus on operational excellence on one hand. On the other we go in direction of digitization. An issue the construction industry discovered very late.


Change seems to be my business.

Professional Since: 
Feb-2003 (22.1 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Nov 2003 (21.4 yrs experience, WARNING: 0.7 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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