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Mr Motsamai Abram Molise

First Name: 
Mr Motsamai Abram
Last Name: 


Started project planning in Nov 2008 working for Fluor SA:

PetroChem field:

-Abatement VOC Project Detail Engineering Phase -Secunda Mpumalanga SA- 2008-2010-Schedule Update and progress update to Client Sasol Engineering Planner.

-VOC Project 2 Weeks Shut down Construction Phase -Secunda Mpumalanga SA- 2010- Schedule Development and progress update Construction Planner.

-10th SAS Reactor Project -Secunda Mpumalanga SA- 2010-2011-Schedule Update and progress monitoring EPCM Planner.

-VOC Project Phase 2 Shut Down -Secunda Mpumalanga SA-2011- Planning and Progress Monitoring Construction Planner.

-Methane Rich Gas (MRG) Project- Secunda Mpumalanga SA-2012- Planning and Progress Monitoring EPCM Planner.

-GHHER Project- Secunda Mpumalanga SA-2013-Planning and Progress Monitoring EPCM Planner.

Mining Project:

-Morupule Mining Extention Construction-Coal Mining- Client Debswana- Morupule Botswana -2011- Plannning and Progress Monitoring as Consultant Planner.

-Kennedy Vale Mareesburg-Chrome Mining Construction-Steelport Limpopo SA-Client Eastplats- Planning and Progress Monitoring as Consultant Planner.

Rail Project:

-Manganese Rail Phase 1 Export Project- Rail Construction- Head Office Johannesburg SA- 2014 - Current- Planning and Progress Monitoring Client Planner.





Professional Since: 
Nov-2008 (16.4 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Jan 2014 (11.2 yrs experience, WARNING: 5.2 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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