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John Schlichter

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Having led the development of OPM3© (an international standard in project, program, and portfolio management), John founded OPM Experts LLC in 2002, a consulting firm delivering solutions in Organizational Project Management (OPM), and a leading provider of OPM3 services. He has implemented many PMO’s, led large-scale organizational change, managed multi-million dollar projects, and been a mentor to all levels of management. He is invited to speak about project management to audiences across the globe.

In ‘98, he was asked by PMI, the global PM advocate, to lead the largest standards initiative ever undertaken by PMI, to develop a standard in Organizational Project Management for industry and government, designed to help organizations assess and develop the capabilities necessary to execute their strategies through projects, i.e. OPM3. In that capacity, John led a team of 800 people across 35 countries for nearly 5 years and surveyed over 30,000 people.

Later PMI hired him to help develop certifications beyond the PMP for consultants who wish to become certified in the use of OPM3.

His firm has implemented OPM3 in many blue chip organizations, e.g. IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Panasonic, SAP, T-­Mobile, Xerox, and others. His firm has led OPM3 assessments of multi-billion dollar operations larger and more complex than any other known OPM3 engagements.

"John has contributed greatly to PMI," Greg Balestrero, CEO, PMI Today, 2002. "In John’s role as the leader of PMI’s OPM3 program, he has immeasurably contributed to the growth of the profession," Becky Winston, J.D., Chair of the Board of Directors, PMI Today, 2002.

Professional Since: 
Feb-1994 (31.1 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 

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