Rod Himsley
I have worked for Shell for some 25 years in many locations around the world. Africa, Europe, Asia. I have partiscipated in many projects which required "Peer Assist" from Shell Project Services in both Shell Rijkeswijk and NAM in the Netherlands.
During this time I have written and compiled a variety of Project Tools and Guides, rolled out Shell's Global Primavera initiative. As well as being The Planning and Economic Manager for Shell Petroleum and Developement Corporation in Nigeria (SPDC).
Currently I am compiling a 25 year History of planing "How we got here" As my initial introduction to the Project Managment World was with the NASA team who put the 1st man on the moon - In those days there was Not Microsoft / Primavera / SAP.
I hope you will join me as I compile the "History of Planning" and I expand my circle of expertise into your world
Kind Regards
Rod Himsley
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