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Stjepan Koletic

First Name: 
Last Name: 

CV- “STEFAN –Consult “                                                         


NAME                   Stjepan KOLETIC   (Stefan)

EDUCATION           Mech. Engineer rec. in Sweden

CIVIL STATUS        Marred    3 children 

LANGUAGES  Swedish,English, French, Germany, Russian




EXPERIENCE   FROM 1966 TO 2015 / 50 years      


1.1965-1968   SWEDEN   Desiner & Constructor


1.Construction of Hydro Power Frencis Turbine Udiness Mechaniska

2.Mechanical Robot for small industry  Levi Peterson Anderstrop

3.Plast Molding Industry development  Bladh Plast Lanna


2.1968-1972  SWEDEN  Engineer Construction & Design BY SUPRA LANDSKRONA SWEDEN


Engineering and Reconstruction of Fertilizers Industry Supra Landskrona

And Saltpeter verken I Koeping


3.1972-1977 TUNISIE  Management of Maintenace External Work of Tripels uperfosfat unit, Sulpher Acide Plant and

                               Phosphor Acide Plant with the storage and harbours kran Kampnagel.


Maintenance ,Engineering and Reconstruction of Fertilizers Plant Triple superfosfat

By NPK Engrains SFAX Tunisia  dother company to Concern SUPRA LANDSKRONA SWEDEN


4.1977 SWEDEN : Engineer & Constructor


Engineering of NAFTA Pellets Plant with Shell from Haag , by Supra I Koeping Sweden


5.1977 -1982 ALGERIA  Engineer Assistant Technic/ System Services Oslo Norway


Commissioning and build up Maintenance and Engineering  " Travaux Neuf " of 1st-Petrochemical Plant

I Norr Africa by SONATRACH- Cmp-K Skikda Algeria as responsible for experts

From System Services Oslo located in Algeria / Assisting Maintenace Manager of CMPK Plant with  six units

Ethylen plant, Polyethylen Plant, VCM Plant , PVC Plant, Chlore production Plant,Utilities for Steam, El Power, Desalinations

plant,azot&Oxygen palnt, and responsible for developemnt of Method &Plannings Dptm, with maintenace workshoops and strorage for reserv parts

Plant was planed and delivered and erected by TOYO Engineering Tokyo member Of Mitsubishi Group.

Our task was to take over responsability from japones staff to algeriens staff sucesivly step by step  with direct instructions and training of algeriens staff and skillworkers working in doubel posts algerians/japones from the begining and going over to slef managemnt by algerians  staff using some of japones supervisers.

6.1982 -1986 ALGERIA  Manager of Agri Consult Alger Rep. Office for Agri Consult Malmoe Sweden 


Management , Development and Supervision of construction of 5 Agro Alimentary Plant for  state company CEMPAK

As responsible for Agro Consult Malmoe Sweden in Algeria.

Grain Concrete silos of 100.000 tons, Grain Mil 400 ton/day and Pasta plant 60 t/day.

Turn key Service including  Performance Test, Commissioning,Guaranty period for erection of the complex, montage of

Equipments from France, Switzerland and Italy . Located  on the cost and Sahara  :El-Aouinet, Bel Bou Arerig ,Corso, Mahdia and Mostaganem-Oran.


7. 19986-87 TURKEY : Senior Adviser by Agri Consult Malmoe Sweden  located in Turkey


Expertise and feasibility study of strategically Corn Silos for storage of Corn spread in

Istambul.Mersin,Izmir,Trabson and Uzun-koerpi.

Responsibility for Agri Consult Malmoe  for investigation , study and proposal for measures in order to advise client Turkish Agroculture Ministery.


8.19987-1989 SWEDEN  Free- lance Consult


Countinue to work periodicly for Agro Consult in Algeria and Roth Cross fascilities  inspection and control also in Algeria


9.1989 -2007 YUGOSLAVIA   Manager of Ikea-Yu Novi Banovci Serbia/ construction of 7 IKEA Store in former Yu.


IKEA-YU: Manger of Company ,for development of Retail in former Yu with task to build up Ikea Stores planed in Novi Banovci ( Beograd Norrd), Zagreb, Ljubljana, Sarajevo,Skopje Beograd South.

Creating, Registering , Recrutment, Employyemnt of staff on contry level and preparation to open Ikea Start Shoop i Novi Beograd as well in the same time develop project for the first store in Novi Banovci ( Belgrad Norr ) 


Openning Ikea Start Shoop I Novi Beograd 1991.keeping operating under civil war evenments

Developing Project of Ikea Novi Banovci  ( Belgrad Norr ) store with purchase of land lot 20 ha.

Developing project and purchase  land lot for openning Ikea Zagreb store in Samobor Croatia.

Developing project and exploring land lot for Ikea Store Ljubljana, Slowenia.


17 April 1994 I froze all activities of Ikea Yu fire employees but keep the land and safe staff by emplyeemnt abroad by Ikea different organisations.

To Day this staff manage Ikea South Estaern Europe and continue my way to erect Ikea store on Balkan countries.

I left Yu and start up i  Moscow for development of first Ikea store I Russia I Moscow - Khimki and finalize construction of  Ikea saw mill I Siberia Boguchany, but stay as manager of Ikea-Yu, watching hapennings and save the company and land lot for future.


2004 -2008 After civil war I continue  development on the site of Ikea-Yu  Novi Banovci. And develop Business Center : Volvo Service, Trade Co Logistic Center, Infrastructure.


10. 1994-1998 RUSSIA and Eastern Central Europe: Project Manager for / Ikea Trading & Design Switzerland


Ikea-Store I Khimki Moscow, planning and project developement .

Ikea Saw Mill I Boguchany Krasnojarsk Sibirien, constructions, performance test and guaraty period finished 1996

Ikea Office I Buacrest reconstruction of a culturela house to a modern Ikea office on 8000m2 saving same architecture.

Ikea Office I Sofia buing and reconstructed a n Office building to Ikea Trading Bulgaria on the slop fo mountan Vitusha

Ikea ECE,(Eastern Central Europe ) Warshawa,Poznan, Gdansk ,Bratislava , Budapest, Implementing Maintenace and new construction of those Ikea stores within Ikea Esarn Central Europe.


11.1997-2008 BELARUS : Front Office Manager Ikea Trading SA Aubonne Sweitz


Start up a new market and a new country for Ikea from my flat i Minsk and develop business so we could register firstIkea Rep. Office in Belarus and prepare for production and export of Ikea furmitures.

1997-2002 Export of semi products to Ikea Industry abroad.

1998-2002 Development of Swedwod Project for erection of furniture factory I Polodsk

2002-2005 Developemnt of Ikea furnitures production

2005-2007 Front Office Manager of Ikea Trading I Minsk

1998 to 2002 Develop project for construction of Ikeas ' Swedwoods Factory i Novi Polodsk


12. IKEA BEL 2007-2011 : Manager of Ikea-Bel I Minsk / Ikea MEGA shooping center Project


2007 Establish Company

2008 Negociation for Site overtaking

2009 Site on 28 ha in own hands.

2010 Project development


13. IKEA /SWEDSPAN INTERNATIONAL 2011 -2012    Export manager 


14. SKB Sarl Lausane Sweitz  2005 uintil to day 2015   Senior Adviser / Chef Engineer


Family consulting company for  management engineering and real estate business projects .

1.Ikea-Yu development of the site in Novi Banovci on 20 ha establishment of Ikea Logistic Center project, Volvo Truck Sale and maintenance centre for Balkan countries.

2.Ikea Trading Belarus : Suport in negociation of industry project for Ikea production.

3.Ikea-Bel : Founding and developing Ikea Retail company for development and construction of Ikea MEGA Centre on MKAD location and crosspoint with Mazurova street on 28 ha.

4.Swedspan  International daughter company of Ikea Group : Start up activities and export of wood raw material –ships for export to Swedspans plant I Lituania and Poland


15. 2009 -2012 “LIBRACON STORY “  Vice Manager in  own construction company


1.Caffe “ Stolle I Minsk total entrepenad I restaurering av en ruin byygnad till ett modern caffe restaurang vart man saeljer det beasta /Pirog I Minsk.

2.MAZ ( By lastbils fabrik ) Exibition and Muzey Hall with own concept,dezaijn an turn key


3.Biog Gaz El Power Plant construction I Orsha for Swedish company “ Vireo Energy “ Gen. Entreprenad Turn Key el power station .

4.VMG Industry I Mogilev :  Constructions of Fundamnet for Dry Chambers.

5.Amkodor Holding I Minsk  Capital renewing of Haed Office  interiers

6.Minsk Region culture center I Minsk restauration of phasdes




1Creating and developing concept and pre project for a big shooping center i Mogilev Belarus an Big box on 24.000 m2

2.Creating and developing a Mix Use Center Liberton outside of Minsk on 3350 m2.

3.Creating and developing  production of items and reserparts for TD Rail Industry Vaesteraos Sweden 

4.Creating and develop marketing for introduction of constructions products fro GB manufacturer " Flexcreet " Lancester

5.Creating and developing a Logistic Center i Minsk with Helios GB on 30.000 m2.


Professional Since: 
Jun-1968 (56.3 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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