Marino Martinez Miniño
I'm a Civil Engineer graduated in 1975 from Universidad Católica Andrés Bell, in Caracas, Venezuela, and started working as a Resident Engineering since then. I have experience in Project Inspection, Supervision and Managment, being active in the Construction Projects arena for about 40 years. In 2001 I graduated from a Construction Management Masters Program
In 1977 I started beeing a Part Time Professor in the Civil Engineering College at Unviersidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, maintaining my work in the construction arena. Today I'm Emeritus Associate Professor and sometimes I lecture for graduate courses in Construction Managment at Universidad de Carabobo
Since 1994 I'm involved in the consultancy work, specifically in the areas of assisting organisations in Construction Project Managment and in the fromation, training and developing of human resources in areas of my expertise
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