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Mustafa Ozgoren

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A forensic planner and a construction delay analyst with 20+ years of experience in planning, scheduling, resource loading, cost control, contract administration, forensic schedule delay analysis and critical path analysis. Familiar with FIDIC, JCT, NEC, re-measurable, design-build and bespoke forms of contracts and adept at Primavera P6, Microsoft Project, Claim Digger, Aconex, AutoCAD and Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP. Specialized in the preparation, valuation and examination of time and money claims for scope changes, disruption and prolongation.


Experience includes:

  • detailed research, Chronology
  • causation analysis, responsibility assessment
  • delay analysis (As-built vs As-planned, Impacted As-planned, Window Analysis, Collapsed As-built)
  • source validation in accordance with contemporary records
  • delay quantification, identification (Excusable, Compensable)
  • identification & quantification of Mitigation, Constructive Acceleration - determination of the financial consequences, prolongation costs


Involved in the defence and rebuttal of claim submissions and assisted to Expert Witnesses. Developed entitlement submissions on behalf of contracting organisations and performed detailed analysis of such submissions on behalf of responding parties.


Projects include oil and gas facilities, power plants, rail and transit, roads, airports, water treatment plants and military facilities in Azerbaijan, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.


Prior to joining Mott MacDonald, worked as claims consultant, quantum and delay analyst at HKA, former Hill International Claims Group, during both execution and dispute resolution (arbitration) phases of the projects.


As a firm believer in lifelong learning earned an MBA degree and studied Master of Laws (LLM) in Construction Law and Arbitration program in the UK.


Memberships and certifications include PMP, MRICS and MCIArb.


Fluent in Turkish and English, as well as intermediate level Italian and Russian.

Professional Since: 
Mar-1998 (27.0 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Aug 2001 (23.6 yrs experience, WARNING: 3.4 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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