Chris Bragg
I have more than 35 years of experience in strategy execution and project management (including program and portfolio management) accumulated across many sectors and countries. My training and experience range from Acturarial work to Zoology, with a focus on leading change, fixing problems, and improving systems and environments. Projects, and the contexts that support them, have been at the heart of this work. My focus is on organisational capability to effect successful change (asset management, strategic performance) through projects.
I am an active volunteer in project management associations and have participated effectively in a number of research and teaching activities in project and portfolio management. I am currently a partner in BERG Partners International, a Managing Partner of TenStep Middle East, and Middle East Director for 2GC. In these roles, I support and deliver key consultancy and contract services in the areas of strategy execution, SXO (Strategic Execution Office) implementation, Project Portfolio Management and PMO Implementation, and Project Management.
I hold a B. Sc. Degree from the University of Cape Town, a Diploma in Data Metrics from the University of South Africa, majoring in Operations Research, a PMP® certification from PMI®, and am a Recognised Assessor for the aPRO organizational project management certification offered by the American Society for Advancing Project Management (asapm).
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