Guild of Project Controls: Compendium | Roles | Assessment | Certifications | Membership

Mike Lynch

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Summary:  Over 28 years real experience with constructing and commissioning uranium enrichment centrifuge plants with steadily increasing responsibility.  Through primary roles as Deputy Site Director Eagle Rock, Project Manager for E23 in Capenhurst UK, NEF in New Mexico, SP5 in Almelo NL and Gronau in Germany developed firm resolve for relentless pursuit of project excellence through strong  team development, uncompromising commitment to safety and solid relationships with suppliers.    Full European Security Clearance recognised by the NRC as equivalent to Q Clearance. (Now lapsed since joining AREVA).  Permanent Resident status in US, British citizen.


Testimonial from a previous Contractor partner. “ I will always remember you as the team builder in the SP5 project at Urenco Almelo and E23 project at Urenco Capenhurst, which makes it, in my opinion, the most efficient Urenco plants from a point of safety, costs and time schedule. “

Ben Wagers, Imtech.  December 30th2013 at the time of his retirement.




Deputy Site Director/BOP Project Manager for Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility    

Seconded January 2009 – March 2012

                                                                                                AREVA Staff April 2012 - Present  


  • The position ensures that experienced gained in previous design, construction and commissioning of centrifuge enrichment plant is available and made known to benefit the construction and commissioning of the EREF.
  • The position is responsible to provide project controls, planning and integrated scheduling oversight for the engineering design, procurement, construction and commissioning of the EREF.
  • Responsible for the total integration of the level 3 project schedules from AREVA AES including design and commissioning, the core plant design of AREVA E&P, the balance of plant design from NTS, the centrifuge related design of ETC and the construction implementation of URS.  In all some 44,000 activities.  This effort required me to develop a new integration philosophy and to write a Schedulers Desk Top Guide. 


AREVA E&P senior manager referred to the schedule “as the best integrated schedule that AREVA has ever had.”  Randy Howard in a statement made to Mike Rencheck during a BUE meeting July 2013.

  • Project Risk and Opportunities Manager
  • The position supports the Site Director in oversight of the construction and commissioning of a major nuclear fuel cycle facility.


Also see detailed job description attached:


Project Manager for E23 Plant - Capenhurst-£240M ($384M)          January 2007 – January 2009


  • Responsible for overseeing all activities associated with design, build, erection, installation, commissioning and setting to work of centrifuge enrichment plant;
  • Developed ETC team to manage aggressive schedule demands and shift of work structure;
  • Initiated Safety Committee to serve as designated group representing all entities on site to promote and encourage rigid safety standards;
  • Initiated Building Team meetings to establish dialogue with all contractors on site;
  • Re-instigated Monthly Progress Meetings with individual suppliers;
  • Involved ETC team in improving relationships with suppliers through in person meetings and site inspection visits;
  • Structured and implemented new format work schedule to accommodate accelerated time scale for meeting target completion dates (Jan 2007 – H Phase of Project some 17 weeks behind schedule because of structural faults found from previous phases. May 2008 – H Phase completed- recovering all delays and achieved early delivery of latter half.)
  • Overseeing continued acceleration of build and commissioning work on next J Phase with delivery ahead of schedule and within budget, again setting new company record for delivery of the project;


Vice President-Project Manager for National Enrichment Facility in New Mexico-$2.4B       

January 2004 – December 2006

  • Selected Architect Engineering company;
  • Developed provisional programme for deliverables;
  • Reviewed and validated previous cost estimates;
  • Identified suitable suppliers for all work packages and engineering deliverables across the project;
  • Managed coordination of design work between Europe and USA;
  • Supported local educational authorities in identifying future needs and requirements;
  • Promoted project to local communities through presentations, meetings and tours of potential suppliers’ facilities.


Project Manager LES2 License Submission                                                  July 2003 – December 2003


  • Part of team responsible for delivery of completed license application on time to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
  • License submission achieved within target timescales;
  • License subsequently granted mid 2006.


Project Manager for SP5 Plant in Almelo, NL-£180M ($288M)                               July 1998 – July 2003


  • Responsible for overseeing all activities associated with design, build, erection, installation, commissioning and setting to work of centrifuge enrichment plant;
  • Implemented Bouw (Building) Team Meetings to establish dialogue with all contractors on site;
  • Delivered all phases of project, setting new company delivery records at that time, ahead of time, in full and within budget;


Project Leader for TC21 Lead Cascade in Gronau, D- £70M ($112M)        January 1998 – July 1998


  • Responsible for all project activities to deliver the first cascade of a new centrifuge variant


Project Engineering Manager/Senior Control and Instrumentation Engineer - Capenhurst   1986 - 1998                                                                                                     

  • Responsible for Plant Control Systems, Centrifuge Monitoring Systems, decontamination workshops and control room ergonomic design and functional design
  • Specialising in MF Drive Systems, Plant Control Systems, Centrifuge Monitoring Systems and Cascade Protection Systems


Senior Design Engineer (I&C) – Taylor Woodrow Management & Engineering Systems    1980 - 1986                                                                                                     

  • Responsible for design of Plant Control Systems and Management of the Customer interface for a nuclear storage facility BNFL Sellafield, UK
  • Oversight and acceptance and approval of manufactured capital equipment


Instrumentation Design Engineer – Dow Chemicals (NL)                                                     1979 - 1980


  • Approving Instrument specifications
  • Approving P&ID’s


Instrumentation Design Engineer (I&C) – Cabot Carbon Chemicals                                    1978 – 1979


  • Developing P&ID’s for a new Carbon Cracking Reactor utilizing a new PLC control concept.
  • Generating specifications for the plant instrumentation
  • Overseeing the manufacture of Capital Equipment off site


Instrumentation Technician/Artificer – Bold Coal Fired Power Station                                1974 - 1978





            BSc. Applied Physics – Liverpool Polytechnic College (aka John Moores University)

            MSc. Engineering Project Management – Lancaster University

            Full Member of IET (previously Institute of Electrical Engineers)

            Chartered Engineer with Engineering Council













The position supports the Site Director in oversight of the construction and commissioning of a major nuclear fuel cycle facility.

The position also ensures that experienced gained in previous design, construction and commissioning of centrifuge enrichment plant is available and made known to benefit the construction and commissioning of the EREF.

The position is responsible to provide project controls, planning and integrated scheduling oversight for the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of the EREF.  In this capacity, the Deputy Site Director reports to the Site Director.


Major duties and responsibilities:


  • Overall responsibility for planning and the integrated schedule. Manage the integration of AES activities with that of engineering contractors and EPCM. Oversee the integration of engineering activities with the EPCM integrated schedule.
  • Ensure safety, quality and environmental procedures and requirements are maintained to assist the Site director.
  • Manage the interface with the contractors and EPCM on all core process and centrifuge related schedule delays and the development of recovery plans.
  • Oversee the contracting strategy and implementation of the Core Process Equipment to ensure a cost effective procurement and construction program.
  • Monitor the EPCM integration and planning activities to ensure that proper inputs and assumptions are being made, adequate contingencies are taken, and optimum durations and resources are placed on the various project activities, taking full consideration of ETC and core process development and delivery.
  • Oversee the Earned Value (EV) system reporting from all engineering contractors, the EPCM and his sub-contractors to continuously assess progress on the project, invoice payments (as applicable), reporting, and contractor performance assessment. 
  • The Deputy Site Director will own the risk register will oversee the risk assessment process for the project.  He/she is responsible for providing the Site Director with regular assessment of project risks. 
  • Ensure that monthly reports of cost and schedule variances, over and under spend, and anticipated final cost and schedule predictions are updated and validated.
  • Support the development of budgets and cash flows.
  • Manage scope changes and analyze their budget and schedule impact. Work with Engineering, Purchasing, and Contractors to ensure proper implementation of the scope change. 
  • Support the development of life cycle costs (LCC) and impact of design and operational changes on the LCC.
  • Chairs Monthly Project Managers meetings and participate in the weekly project status reviews with contractors.


When deployed to the field:


  • Resolve issues arising from the field; propose solutions to schedule bottle necks in the installation and commissioning of the cascade hall equipment and the Core Process Equipment, recovery plans, and address concerns.
  • Inform all field contractors of the phased construction and commissioning activities to ensure protection of the operating plant from construction activities and maintaining full compliance with regulatory requirements.


Special Assignments:


At the request of the Project Director, the Deputy Site Director will utilize his/her technical and planning skills to support other critical functions in the organization including but not limited to:


  • Support the develop of the AES purchasing strategy – lots, identification of potential U.S. purchases for core process equipment, and identification and support of ETC qualification requirements.
  • Provide advice on core process design, procurement, and commissioning.
  • Support Engineering in the Owner Acceptance Review of design packages in areas of expertise.


Professional Since: 
Feb-1986 (38.5 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Oct 2013 (10.8 yrs experience, WARNING: 27.7 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

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