Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Marcelo Robles

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Project Control Manager(Home Office & Site Follow up): Onshore & Off_Shore
Contractors: since 1990 .-Eni Saipem sa- Techint/Aramco/Pespen- Eni Snamprogetti SpA- Ansaldo
Industria(Recarbonation).-Carlo Gavazzi-Montell(Montedison & Shell) ;Foster Weeler-Star Yard (Saipem –
Taqa & Al Rushaid)-Snamprogetti Saudi.

Job Description:
1.- Definition of the Management Structures: a.-WBS(Work Break Down Structure). b.-WP (Work
2.-Definition of the network and time schedule. a.- Dates & Constraints. b.- Activities sequences c.-
Milestones Contractual & Management.
3.-Loading Resources : a.- Costs Schedule & Cost Breakdown Definition. b.- Baseline Definition & S curves.
4.-Data Collection for Work Progress/Earned Value & MHS spent.
5.-Update schedule Time & Cost.
6.-Comparison Target Vs. Current Plan.

7.-Analysis of the schedule variances & slippages. Follow index performance & schedule with the quad plot
reference .
8.- Impact of the schedule variances on the goals of the project schedule & claims preparation.
9.-Reporting Monthly & Weekly different levels: Strategic; Management & Operative.
10.- Corrective actions (what_if_analysis). Project Coordination Meeting.
11.- Store the current period ;new updated or replanning dates if necessary.
12.-Planning & Expediting to the most critical Disciplines.
13.- Analysis the Commitment Cost.
14.- Analysis the Invoicing-Paid- Outstanding & Overdue .
15.- K (Revenues/Costs)factor: Budget ;Actual & Forecast.-Contingencies release if necessary.
16.- Risk Analysis & Opportunities .
Average Budget managed: More than 500MUS$.-

Professional Since: 
Dec-1974 (50.3 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Nov 2017 (7.4 yrs experience, WARNING: 42.9 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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