Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Zsolt Putnoky

First Name: 
Last Name: 

My Project Control/Management experiences started when I got hired as Documentation Manager in Indonesia. This was a real eye opening for me, interesting new culture, complicated project, 30+ team. Organizing the standard and the diverse team introduced the importance of well defined processes and extensive project planning. The SingTel project thought me how to handle a real multicultural team, located on differrent islands of the arhipelago, how to deal with a demanding client, the local authorities, etc. Ever since I am looking for similar experiences. Alwyas in relation with process development, improvement and project planning.

I like:

  • to work in 'crazy' places
  • complex projects, with trully international teams
  • process modeling, development and management
  • using software tools to support my daily work
  • create useable project plans using Primavera, MSP or other tools
  • teaching others why to plan, how to plan and what to do with it
  • creating simulations, scenarios
  • using 3D models to illustrate
  • tinkering with tools to create a unified platform of all project data, where the team can talk, share and discuss


Tools I am using:

  • Primavera P6
  • Primavera Risk Analysis (ex PertMaster)
  • MS Project
  • Alfresco
  • Bizagi and Bonita Open Studio (for BMP)
  • SpagoBI (for reporting)
  • DraftSight (for 2D engineering drawings)
  • Synchro Professional, Synchro Server
  • XMind (for mindmapping)


I hate:

  • office politics
  • long meetings with no conclusions
  • low quality
Professional Since: 
Sep-1995 (29.5 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Jan 1995 (30.1 yrs experience, WARNING: 0.7 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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