Guild of Project Controls: Compendium | Roles | Assessment | Certifications | Membership

Kirill Volzhentsev

First Name: 
Last Name: 


Education and training:

2003-2004 Started high education in Orenburg State University(Russian Federation), specialty - Heat and Gas supply, water supply and ventilation and air condition. Studied on 1st and 2d semester there. Attend to the double-diploma program between Orenburg State University and Vitus Bering University (Denmark).

2004-2005 Studied in Vitus Bering University(3d and 4th semester) Horsens, Denmark. Specialty – Construction architect.

2005-2006 Studied in Orenburg State University(3d, 4th, 5th, 6th semester, passed practice courses in Orenburg Region Gas Company “OBL Gas” – Description of courses: Development of working documentation of gas supply between facilities, development of calculation of gas supply process).

2006-2007 Studied in Vitus Bering (Denmark) (5th, 7th semester)

2007 - Graduated from Vitus Bering University Horsens, Denmark on specialty: “Bachelor in architectural technology and construction management”.

2007-2008 Studied in Master program: “Master Degree in European Construction” (Universidad de Cantabria, VIA University):

2007 October, November, December – Studied in Santander, Cantabria, Spain (Universidad de Cantabria). Main subjects: Sustainable and environmental friendly buildings, productions, management of projects, calculation of cost of the projects, calculation of profit of the project, management of construction site.

In the end of December I had presentation of my dissertation “Sustainable House in Europe”. Description of dissertation: Sustainable and environmental friendly technologies in the buildings and in production companies.

2008 January, February, March – Studied in Horsens, Denmark (VIA University). During this period I made calculation of the budget of project in UK. Project was consist from calculation of cost of sustainable equipment inside the buildings, installation of water, energy supply (Recycle of waste water, Collection of rain water, Collection and transformation of solar energy to electricity in case of using solar panels), calculation of the energy, calculation of the costs of materials(recycle materials).

2008 April, May, June, July, August, September – I did my own dissertation. It was consist from following topics:

1)   Sustainable heat insulation techniques/constructions. Heat engineering substantiation of outside elements (walls, floors, roof) of sustainable building for Danish conditions (for Horsens).

2)  Indoor climate/environmental conditions.

Heat loss calculation of sustainable building, calculation of comfortable conditions of the building, which is made from recycle materials.

3)  Research of sustainable energy solutions for building.

Calculation of the cost of energy equipment of sustainable building and period of cost recoveryof this equipment.

Proposed Research Methods:

The method of research will consist in checking up of properties of recycle materials, to check heat engineering substantiation of outside elements of the building made from recycle materials. To know what is the working period of the elements made from sustainable materials of the building.

To calculate and pick up the type of constructions which has to pass all norms and rules for the city Horsens (Denmark).To draw the graphic of dependences of the thickness of construction from temperature inside of thickness of construction, from the maximal elasticity of water steams in thicknesses of outside element, from the valid elasticity of water steams in thickness of outside element.

Calculation of heat loss passes through outside elements of the facilities for city Horsens and the set building. Calculation of heat loss and loadings on heating devices. Calculation of non-stationary mode of heating of the facility. To check up performance of comfortable conditions inside of the building including the floor heating and ceiling cooling.

Calculation of the cost of energy equipments which were necessary to make comfortable conditions inside buildings.


2008 September – Graduated from Master Degree program in specialty: “Master Degree in European Construction”. (My dissertation received 3-d place between all dissertations of students in Universidad de Cantabria).

2008-2010 Study in Orenburg State University (7-9 semester)

May 2010 – passed final exams and final project in Orenburg State University (Received diploma of engineer in specialty “Heat, gas supply and ventilation”. (All lectures was passed by me on highest marks).


Personal skills and expertise:

Programming: AUTOCAD, COREL DRAW, MICROSOFT OFFICE, MICROSOFT PROJECT 2003, 2007, 2010, PRIMAVERA, PDV Ecology, Bagira, Grand.


-                Russian mother tongue (fluent)

-                English fluent

Social skills and competences

European B driving license

Full mobility willingness

Hobbies: play guitar, reading, football


Work experience:

1) Company name: Global Petro-Chemical Processes Inc. Canada (LLC DesignKomplekt in Russia, Orenburg region, Orenburg) - General Contractor in project “Reconstruction of Waste Water Treatment Plant of Orenburg Gas Processing Plant”. Customer: Gazprom Moscow. My position in company:

-from May, 2009 till September, 2010 – planning engineer;

-from October, 2010 till September, 2011 – senior planning and procurement engineer;

-from October, 2011 till now - Deputy Manager of planning and procurement department.

My job description:

1.            Planning

Planning includes development of calendar plan, schedules of construction & erection, startup & commissioning works, schedules of material and equipment supply, financing schedules, site manpower and mechanisms flow charts, as well as monitoring construction process and implementation of preset goals, tasks for successful and profitable completion of the project.

For fruitful work of Planning Department, all necessary information should be submitted by all departments of DesignKomplect.

Tasks and responsibilities of planning:

- development and monitoring of schedules, including all project stages (design, material and equipment procurement, manufacture, construction, installation, startup & commissioning works, putting into operation);

- development, calculation and monitoring of financing schedules;

- development, calculation and monitoring of material and equipment supply schedules;

- development, calculation and monitoring of site manpower and mechanisms flow charts;

- development of schedules using resource methods;

-  plotting curve of planned and actual work performance;

-  plotting curve of planned and actual flow of manpower at the site;

- comparative analysis and undertaking measures on performance of construction & erection schedules;

- development of daily reports on performed works (planned + actual);

- development of weekly reports (planned + actual);

- development of monthly reports and their submission to the Customer;

- development of construction & erection schedules in form of appendices to contracts with contractors;

- development of financing process;

- monitoring of cash flows;

- identification of critical paths and goals of the project;

- correspondence with the Customer regarding planning;

- collection of documents for coordination of contractors with the Customer;

- participation in meetings with the Company’s Management and Customer, as well as solving issues connected with planning;

- participation in internal Company’s meetings, work with various departments of the Company;

- development of appendices to contracts with the Customer (calendar plan, project budgeting plan);

- development of appendices to contracts with the Contractor (construction & erection schedule, construction & erection budgeting plan);

- preparation of guarantee letters and all other letters to contractors;

- monitoring of completed and left work scopes, comparison of these scopes with planned scopes;

- monitoring of costs of completed and left works, comparison of planned and actual financing;

- submission of data on cost of left works as per the contract and forms КS-2, КS-3;

- checkup of local cost estimates and calculations of work cost as per units prices of contractors.

- calculation of planned profit from расчетconstruction & erection.

2.                     Procurement

The following information is required for material or equipment supply:

- material or equipment procurement order (the Order should contain name of goods, make, type, GOST, quantity, for which works this material is required, and also for which facility) (Capital Construction Dept);

- enquiry form for equipment to be purchased (Design Dept);

- design data sheet, according to the last revision in working documentation (Design Dept);

- dates when this material or equipment is required at the site (Capital Construction Dept);

- weekly and monthly budget (Planning and Procurement Dept).

Procurement Engineer’s functions are as follows:

- making a material or equipment procurement order for suppliers;

- making a comparative table with prices of purchased products of various suppliers and providing it to Company’s management;

- comparing market prices of purchased material or equipment with estimated prices of the material, as per local cost estimates signed with the Customer;

- providing information and invoices to Company’s management;

- negotiations with suppliers on discount for purchased products;

- negotiations with suppliers on payment conditions;

- negotiations with suppliers on deferral of payment for a certain time;

- negotiations with suppliers, transport companies on transportation services;

- continuous monitoring of price market of construction & erection materials and equipment;

- searching for suppliers more beneficial in terms of prices, quality, supply dates;

- making daily reports on shortly required procurements of materials and equipment;

- making a table of already purchased materials and equipment;

- making a table of not purchased materials and equipment, as per data sheets of working documentation;

- signing contracts for material or equipment supply with suppliers;

- specifying information required for material or equipment supply in contracts;

- making data sheets for material or equipment supply contracts;

- receiving material and equipment from suppliers;

- monitoring dates of material and equipment supply by suppliers;

- making powers of attorney for handover of materials and equipment supply to contractors;

- negotiations with suppliers on signing contracts;

- inspection of received material or equipment, as per paid invoices;

- purchasing materials and equipment required for GPCP needs;

- re-coordination of materials and equipment envisaged in the design for similar materials or equipment available with suppliers;

- visiting suppliers’ facilities, inspection of availability of material or equipment to be purchased;

- submitting report to Accounting Dept for received materials and equipment.

3.                     Tenders

The following information is required for tender procedures:

- working documentation (Design Dept). The working documentation should be obligatorily checked by technical supervision service (for mistakes, possibilities of realistic process of facility construction, as per the available documentation);

- local cost estimate of work cost (Costing Dept);

- construction conditions (Capital Construction Dept). For presenting Work Execution Plan by contractor, as well as possibility of replacement of more costly mechanisms with lower cost mechanisms, similarly regarding replacement of materials and structures with cheaper analogues without quality loss. This is required for reduction of facility construction cost;

- dates of construction and supply of materials and equipment (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- information on market price of materials and equipment (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- work on collection of information, correspondence, negotiations, analysis is done by Planning and Procurement Dept.

- information on potential contractor (Potential Contractor):

A) Bidders’ questionnaire (legal form, registered address, postal address, actual address, position, name of Head, telephone, TIN/KPP, bank details, founders, availability of branches, subsidiaries, data on registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);

B) Copy of SRO;

C) Copy of Certificate on Registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

D) Copy of Charter;

E) Copy of balance sheet for the last year;

F) Certificate from tax inspectorate on absence of tax and due debts;

G) Copy of Conformity Certificate;

H) Copy of letter from Rostekhnadzor on registration of Conformity Assessment Certificate;

I) Data on Company’s personnel (obligatory data: name, position, record of practice, experience of work in similar position, certificates, permits, copies of certificates, protocols of gas and fire safety, control of knowledge of specialists of companies supervised by Rostekhnadzor);

J) Data on material-technical capacities of a company (name, make, model of units, machines, mechanisms, equipment, motor-tractor machinery, condition, quantity, year of manufacture, where and for what period operated at the moment of information submission);

K) Data on production activities starting from 2009 (description and place of performed work, period of work performance, Customer (address, contact telephone));

L) If a company carries out hot works: copy of NAKS certificate on welding technology certification, copy of conclusion on bidder’s readiness to use the certified welding technology;

M) Recommendations of counterparties on earlier signed contracts.

4.                     Selecting contractors

Right selection of contractor for construction & erection works at the facilities of the construction ‘Reconstruction of WWTP of the Orenburg GCC’ depends on the following data:

- Consolidated comparative table of the cost of works, materials of potential contractors, and comparison with our estimated work cost (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Consolidated table comparing unit prices of contractors with our prices for the types of works and materials used for construction of this facility (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Market price of materials and equipment (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Calculation of planned profit for the Company (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of comparison of the dates of construction & erection performance by contractors (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Detailed schedule of construction & erection with breakdown of construction scopes, labor inputs, number of workers, mechanisms (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Construction & erection financing schedule (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Comparison of contractors in terms of prepayment for construction & erection (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of comparison of the dates of material and equipment supply for construction & erection by contractors (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of material-technical capacities of potential subcontractors, as well as visiting contractor’s production facilities, facilities under construction and commissioned facilities where potential subcontractors worked (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of informational documents submitted by contractors (including recommendations from previous construction projects, letters of gratitude from customers etc.);

- Analysis of availability of permits with potential subcontractors for the works at GCC territory (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of information on experience of work at proposed facilities (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of availability of design institutes, bureaus or departments in bidding companies (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of availability of permit for installation of specific foreign equipment in water treatment sphere (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- Analysis of Work Execution Plan submitted by potential contractor (Capital Construction Dept);

- Analysis of work scope for construction & erection by contractors (Capital Construction Dept);

- Negotiations on reducing the cost of commercial offer submitted by potential contractor;

- Selection of contract to be signed (appended should be either local cost estimate, or calculation of work cost based on unit prices, or approximate cost of works with exactly indicated coefficient taken from potential contractor, or ‘turnkey’ contract with fixed contract cost) (the Board, General Director);

- Decision on selection of contractor is taken by the Board and General Director based on information submitted by Planning and Procurement Dept and Capital Construction Dept.

5.                     Signing contracts for construction & erection

For correct composing and signing of contracts with contractors it is required to have:

- draft contract for construction & erection works (Legal Dept);

- working documentation (Design Dept);

- list and scope of works (Planning and Procurement Dept, Capital Construction Dept);

- local cost estimate, or calculation of work cost based on unit prices (Planning Dept);

- necessary guarantee commitments (bank guarantees etc.) (Contractor, Planning Dept, Legal Dept, Accounting Dept) (if required);

- Contractor’s details (Contractor, Accounting Dept);

- construction & erection schedule (Planning and Procurement Dept, Capital Construction Dept);

- material and equipment supply schedule (Planning Dept, Contractor, Capital Construction Dept);

- construction & erection financing schedule (including prepayment) (Planning and Procurement Dept);

- payment conditions and way of payment for performed works (Costing Dept, Accounting Dept, Planning and Procurement Dept).

Each section of contract should be checked and corrected by authorized persons of each dept of DesignKomplect for which they are responsible:

- Design part of contract – Design Dept;

- List, scope and sequence of works, necessity of procurement of materials and equipment – Capital Construction Dept;

- Schedules, conditions of financing – Planning and Procurement Dept;

- According to season of the works, conditions of work appreciation should be provided – Planning and Procurement Dept, Costing Dept, Capital Construction Dept;

- Correctness of document composing and legal issues of contract – Legal Dept;

- Way and conditions of payment for performed works – Costing Dept, Accounting Dept, Planning and Procurement Dept;

- Conditions of increase/reduction of construction & erection scope – Design Dept, Capital Construction Dept, Planning and Procurement Dept, Costing Dept;

- Guarantee commitments for performed works – Legal Dept, Accounting Dept, Planning and Procurement Dept;

- Incoming inspection of materials and equipment – Capital Construction Dept;

- Forms of reporting and as-built documentation – Capital Construction Dept;

- Confirmation of availability of certification and training in industrial, fire, gas safety with workers of subcontractors – Capital Construction Dept, HSE Dept.

6.                     Amendingcontractswithcontractors

Contracts with contractors are amended for the following reasons:

- Revision of working documentation;

- Technology of construction process (impossibility to perform construction & erection works without preparatory or other works impeding contract works, which may not be provided in the contract);

- Works during wintertime are not provided in the contract;

- Arising of necessity of additional works.

Amendments shall be introduced into the contract as shortly as possible after their appearance. These amendments should be first of all coordinated with Capital Construction and Design Depts.

Drawings with design revisions should be immediately handed over to contractor, as well as to Capital Construction Dept, Costing Dept and Planning and Procurement Dept. this will help to promptly calculate the cost of contract cost increase/reduction. This will also help to timely purchase additional materials.

Contracts with contractors should provide that after submitting changes, Contractor should within 3-5 days coordinated price increase with DesignKomplect based on unit prices specified in the contract. That should be followed by an addendum with Contractor (new price and new date of work completion, if changes substantially increase construction period).

Accounting Dept of DesignKomplect should also timely hand over equipment/materials to contractors for continuous cycle of construction & erection works.

Signing of КS-2, КS-3 forms and further payment on them should be based on contract and scopes, prices specified therein.

All acts on ‘hidden scopes’ should be signed by the Customer and handed over to Capital Construction Dept, as well as Costing Dept for preparing КS-2, КS-3 forms.

All revisions in working documentation should be made, as far as possible, towards reduction of contract cost.

The contract should stipulate conditions of work during wintertime, as well as their appreciation coefficient (if any).

Necessity of additional works should be confirmed by Capital Construction Dept, and data on scopes of additional works should be immediately given to Costing Dept for calculation of work cost. Thereafter the data should be given to Planning and Procurement and Legal Depts for signing of addendum with contractor.

Final version of contract should be translated into English by Translation Dept and submitted to DesignKomplect Management.

Daily performance of each type of works by each contractor should be recorded by technical supervision service of Capital Construction Dept, and given to Planning Dept for making a report to the Management on performed work.

2)  Company name: Gas-industry construction Company (LLC GPSC-Russia, Orenburg region, Orenburg) – General Contractor in 5 Projects:

-    Reconstruction of oil loading station No. 1 “Tsarichanskoe field”;

-    Construction of gaging gas separator No. 2 and No. 3;

-    Construction of wellholes No. 5332, 5334, 5328, 5333. “Kapitonovskoe field”;

-    Reconstruction of pipeline “Tsarichanskoe field”;

-    Construction of wellholes No. 142, 143, 161, 188.

Customer: Gazprom Oil Orenburg (LLC GPNO). My position in company:

-    from March, 2013 till now – Working as consultant in position: Senior specialist of planning and cost estimation

My job description:

-    Creating of schedules of the projects (calendar plan, detail schedule of projects, man-power schedule and etc.);

-    Calculation of cost estimation;

-    Checking cost estimations of subcontractors;

-    Checking acts of executed works of subcontractors;

-    Development of contracts with subcontractors;

-    Work with customer (approval of done works, approval of market costs of material, approval of unit prices for works, development of agendum to the contract with Customer and etc.);

-    Development of unit price list of the works based on local cost estimations (Russian cost estimation);

-    Reports to management/Customer of done works, future done works. Analysis of finance policy of company;

-    Cost control of the projects.

Professional Since: 
May-2009 (15.4 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
May 2009 (15.4 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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