Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Shuja Ali

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IPECC Consultants is a project management, systems and technology Solution Company. Our solutions help clients improve performance, mobilize human resources and deliver change effectively.

This includes managing major projects, and providing the tools, processes, software & best practices training services and guidance for clients to accelerate business growth through innovation and the application of technology.

Our training programs are envisioned to leverage the upcoming professionals with the industrial experiences of our expertise to make an I to I Bridge (Industry to Institutions) with the Conceptual Integration – Bridging the Gap.

IPECC Consultants is proud to provide general consulting services within the following specialties:

• PMO Establishment
• Project Management
• Portfolio Management
• Interim Project Team
• Implementation Services

Linking Academia & Industry

IPECC Academia is a training wing of IPECC Consultants.

Embedding the project controls processes and systems through efficient training, user adoption and change management programs is one of the most critical factors to success. That’s why we have developed comprehensive training programs that help develop the skills of your people, while advancing organizational and individual project performance.

Our training ranges from basic project management concepts through to advanced product knowledge and beyond. We can design a flexible training schedule that matches your organization’s project management maturity and is tailored to fit your needs.


Leading the World of Project Management with:

• Oracle | Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM)
• Oracle | Primavera Portfolio Managementt
• Oracle | Primavera Earned Value Management System (Cost Manager)
• Oracle | Primavera Risk Analysis
• Primavera Contract Management
• Primavera Project Planner (P3)

Professional Since: 
Nov-2001 (23.4 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Jun 2007 (17.8 yrs experience, WARNING: 5.6 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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