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mohamad masumi

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I have hold a leading independent project execution and an appropriate Technical qualification engineering and design experience specializing in all aspects of oil, gas and Energy & Power and Mining & Metal Industries . My commitment to technical excellence and my high caliber operating with wide range of recognition and attendance allow me to deliver a best practice service in every stage of the project life cycle. The Engineering and Project Management has provided services to the oil and gas, power and energy , mining and metal industry for over 15 years. My Experience are about 15 years in Leading and managing of project control and planning department with good sound knowledge as for multidisciplinary engineering background, and fulfill in construction , engineering, and commissioning . Career Subject Nature and Industry of Projects 1-Power Plant Projects 6.5 years ( Single and Combined Cycle Power Plant & Substation & Power Transferring ) Attend at : 6 No. Power Plant consist 21 Units of GTG and STG / Electrical Energy Production all reach above 5000 MW 7 No. Sub-Station (230,400 KV) 2-Oil and Gas Projects 5.5 Years Covering : 5 No. Petrochemical Plant ( Ole-fin , PVC-VCM , Polystyrene Monomer , PTA , Utility ) 1 No. Refinery 1 No. Wellhead installation and Separator Manifold 1 No. interconnection and offsite 3-Metal Smelter Plant Projects 3 Years Covering : 2 No.Steel Complex , 1 No. Aluminium Smelter , 1 No. Cupper Complex

Professional Since: 
Aug-1997 (27.6 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Aug 2007 (17.6 yrs experience, WARNING: 10.0 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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