Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Hans du Toit

First Name: 
Last Name: 
du Toit

I started as a project planner planning engineering and construction projects in 1983 and I have been managing planning functions since 2002. For the past three years I've been managing the Project Control Department responsible for quantifying (QS), estimating, planning, tendering, negotiating, implementation and control of projects. Being an qualified artisan and certificated engineer I have the ability to interpret documents (technical and non-technical) to determine project scope and from there to set the WBS. From the WBS I can initiate the planning and estimating process and bring it together in the submission of tenders thefeafter managing projects, monitoring, controlling and reporting.

Having worked in various process & engineering sectors and on small and large multidisciplinary projects I have the ability to:

  • determine appropriate WBS, RBS, OBS, etc. for the majority of project types
  • determine and set Milestones
  • determine, set-up and maintain different Calendars within the same project
  • quantify work by means of material take-off's and setting up BOQ's
  • identify required Activities
  • identify Relationships (types, leads / lags)
  • identify and assign Resources (Labour, Material and Others)
  • identify and determine mitigative meassures for Risks
  • determine activity Durations (using PERT, production rates, etc)
  • estimation of project Costs and assigning such to activities
  • set Baselines and track against such Baselines
  • monitor and Control time and cost (S-curves, EV, specific metrics)
  • measure / quantify Progress
  • control Documentation
  • manage Claims for time delays and additional costs
  • manage Variations / Compensation Events
  • prepare / analyse / evaluate schedules for purposes of demonstrating entitlement to compensation and / or extensions of time
  • reporti in various forms

Other Specific Skills are:


Accounts, Administration, Bookkeeping, Buying / Procurement, Cash Control, Correspondence, Customer Relations / Service, Invoicing, Report Writing


Payroll (VIP Essentials), Accounting (Quickbooks), Software / Hardware Installation, MsOffice Applications, Adobe Professional, Project Management (Primavera, MsProject, PS8)


Advertising, Direct Sales, Promotions


Asset Management, Stock Management, Stock Taking


Analysis, Design, First Aid / CPR, Leadership, Safety / Security, Task Completion, Time Management, Training, Planning, Motivation


Budget Control, Chair Meetings, Costing / Estimating, Financial Analysis, Human Relations, Industrial / Labour Relations, Personnel Management, Presentations, Project / Program Management, Quality Control, Recruitment / Interviewing, Reporting, Research / Development, Staff / Performance, Tendering, Negotiation


Professional Since: 
Nov-1982 (42.3 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Apr 1983 (42.0 yrs experience, WARNING: 0.3 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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