Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Mohamed Hussein

First Name: 
Last Name: 


Senior Planning Engineer, Jacobs, UAE                                                                                                       2008 – Present


  • Prepare, periodically update and maintain a detailed schedule for tendering activities of the project
  • Development of an integrated project schedule, covering all major project packages, up to Start-up. This schedule is to be reviewed and updated based on input received from bidders for the various packages.
  • During the tendering process, review and comment schedules submitted by bidders for conformance with Project objectives and overall plans. Bidder’s schedules are to be challenged where necessary and the impact of each bidders schedule on the activities of other bidders to be reviewed.
  • Develop and maintain a progress measurement and reporting system for quantifying the progress achieved for tendering activities, both package wise and overall. Measure progress is to be reported on a weekly basis together with analysis of reasons for any shortfall, potential bottlenecks, mitigating actions etc.
  • During Execution phase, monitor the Planning and Scheduling activities of the contractor, including plans, progress monitoring and reporting systems proposed by the Contractor.
  • Ensure all systems put in place by the Contractor should be in line with overall Project objectives and requirements.
  • Provide Planning and scheduling input for cost forecasting, for reporting purposes as well as for periodic presentations to stake holders.
  • Verify that the Engineering/Procurement schedule accurately reflects actual progress.
  • In collaboration with the Construction scheduler verify the critical paths that originate with either Engineering or Procurement activities.


  • Assess trends in Engineering and Procurement progress by preparing variance analysis of the respective schedules.


ARE Hyder International Abu Dhabi, UAE                                                                                                  1997 – 2000


Project Manager Beacon Management, Dubai, UAE                                                                                2007 – 2008


ARE Acer John Taylor & sons Abu Dhabi, UAE                                                                                         1996 – 1997


RE Keo International consultant, Abu Dhabi, UAE                                                                    2004 – 2007


Manger Winner Consultant Eng., Abu Dhabi, UAE                                                                                   1996


PM Palmira Consulting Engineering, Abu Dhabi.                                                                                     2003


PM Al Sharkia Contractors co. Abu Dhabi                                                                                                   1995


P M Pact Contracting Company, Abu Dhabi.                                                                                               2003


RE Ministry of Public Works Dubai, UAE                                                                                                   1993 – 1995


RE Altrath Consulting Engineering, Abu Dhabi                                                                                         2002


PM. Miser Consulting Engineering (MCE), Egypt                                                                                    1984 – 1993


PM AC Osman Ahmed Osman & Co. Egypt.                                                                                               2000 - 2002

A.C. Osman Ahmed Osman & Co. Egypt                                                                                                      1980-1983

Professional Since: 
May-1980 (44.9 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Feb 2007 (18.1 yrs experience, WARNING: 26.8 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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