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First Name: 
Last Name: 


Project Control Lead

Sr Planning/ Scheduling Engineer

Shell Energy – Canada   

August 01st – 2014 - Present


Shell Scotford Manufacturing

Scotford Plant- Refinery Admin 1B- 11126-10

P.O. Bag 23, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, T8L 3T2


                     Duties followed:-

  • Provide project control support to the projects in terms of planning, schedule and project reporting and progress & performance monitoring and systems. 
  • Enforce the compliance of project control systems, standards and procedures in particular planning and scheduling, and the best project control practices for consistency and uniformity.
  • Preparation of weekly, monthly progress and historical reports, Budget & Cost control reports as well as Monthly forecast reports
  • Responsible for development, integration and update of contractors’ schedules into integrated master schedule.
  • Follow up for progress & updates of Pre-TA  Works, ( ahead of TA works to start , and make sure no any delay  or  shifting works to TA Stage – Complete follow up with the construction /Execution team towards our target end dates.)
  •  Follow up for progress & updates of the TA Turnaround  Stage Works,  applying change management rules, AWR procedure & TA  follow up procedure with the TA management team.
  • Advice management regarding forecasted costs overruns of approved budgets and recommends corrective actions.


Project Control Lead

Sr Planning/ Scheduling Engineer

Worley Parsons – (Edmonton/ RedWater/FortMcmurray) – Alberta – Canada 

January2010– July2014



              Project :-  Phase 1 – Northwest Red Water Partnership ( NWR ) Bitumen Refinery in Sturgeon County .

                                 ( EPC Project )

                                It consists of the following six (6) primary processing units and their supporting tankage and utility


                               1. Unit 10 – Crude and Vacuum Unit

                               2. Unit 20 – Residue Hydro-cracking Unit

                               3. Unit 30 – Hydro-processing Unit

                               4. Unit 40 – Gasification Unit

                               5. Unit 50 – Light Ends Recovery Unit

                               6. Unit 60 – Sulphur Recovery Unit.


                     Duties followed:-

  • Provide project control support to the projects in terms of planning, schedule and project reporting and progress & performance monitoring and systems. 
  • Enforce the compliance of project control systems, standards and procedures in particular planning and scheduling, and the best project control practices for consistency and uniformity.
  • Responsible to integrate the civil program, deep undergrounds and North Assembly Area schedules working with the Contractors scheduler’s, to provide the construction Managers, with the follow up weekly schedules.  
  • Much more involved in the overall Schedule Integration focusing on Module RAS dates and contractor mob dates.
  • Preparation of weekly, monthly progress and historical reports, Budget & Cost control reports as well as Monthly forecast reports
  • Responsible for development, integration and update of contractors’ schedules into integrated master schedule.
  • Advice management regarding forecasted costs overruns of approved budgets and recommends corrective actions.


  • General follow up for the  Company  going on projects  between Edmonton, Calgary and Fortmcmurray areas

(Oil & Gas Industry) Branch

  1. Enbridge

Demolishing and Removal 34 inch buried piping & Installation of new NPS 24inch (4.5 Km length)

  1. MEG Energy

Christina Lake Regional Project - Well PAD A,B, C, D, E&F  lnfill Expansion

  1. MEG Energy

Christina Lake Regional Project -Ph.2 Debottlenecking Project

Oil Remover Filter (ORF) WR -1051, Sales Oil Trim Cooler 2-E-197 WR -1052,

Emulsion Heaters WR -1053, PW / Glycol Exchanger WR -1054

  1. Pembina Infrastructure and Logistics LP :-


Construction of a  grassroots fractionation plant north of the existing Redwater NGL Fractionation Plant, near Redwater, Alberta, and is intended to be a twin of the existing Redwater fractionation facility built in 1998 for Novagas Canada Ltd.


  • Provide staffing guidance to Engineering and Construction supervisors in the areas of planning and scheduling by analyzing and evaluating all relevant and pertinent data.
  •  Development of the Project WBS and assist in building the whole over EPC Master Schedule in conjunction & Cooperation with Worley Parsons team work groups, starting from the early stages of any project up to the most detailed schedule levels used to follow all of the project related life cycle stages including all related contractors, subcontractors, Disciplines, through the agreed WBS of the Project.
  • Discuss, coordinate and resolve long term and short term planning and scheduling problems with personnel throughout the company and with contractor organizations.
  • Development of all detailed work schedules for the Engineering Work Packages (EWP) using Primavera Project Planner P6 software
  • Preparation of weekly, monthly progress and historical reports, Budget & Cost control reports as well as Monthly forecast reports
  • Providing schedule, progress, and claim analysis to Area Manager and Resident Engineers.
  • Guiding and supporting area project controls direct reports.
  • Responsible for development, integration and update of contractors’ schedules into integrated master schedule.
  • Collect, interpret and input schedule data into the project control database and provide output to the project team, assist in preparing status reports and other related project planning and control documentation.
  • Advice management regarding forecasted costs overruns of approved budgets and recommends corrective actions.
  • Define project needs for cost control in accordance with contractual requirements, objectives and Company procedures.
  • Providing schedule, progress, and claim analysis to Area Manager and Resident Engineers.
  • Guiding and supporting area project controls direct reports.
  • Responsible for development, integration and update of contractors’ schedules into integrated master schedule.


Principal Project Controller

Worley Parsons – BAHRAIN               TATWER PETROLEUM BAHRAIN Field Development Company

Kingdom of Bahrain – Manama

August 2011–Feb-2013

Project: - TATWER PETROLEUM BAHRAIN Field Development Company

(Supply of Facilities Engineering/ Procurement  and Construction Resources – EPC Project )

  • Efficient and effective production of industry standard engineering deliverables as well as providing support to the functions of procurement, construction, commissioning, close out and document control.
  • Design Engineering Support for the company development program, in compliance with Good International Petroleum Industry Practice (GIPIP).                                                                                
  •    Applying WorleyParsons  Project Control procedures for all of my entitled projects as a project control lead, Planning & Scheduling  and Cost Control
  • Development of the whole over Engineering/Design/ Procurement/ Construction Master Project Schedule  in conjunction & Cooperation  with WorleyParsons team work groups, starting from the early stages of any project up to the most detailed schedule levels used to follow all of the project related life cycle stages including all related  contractors , subcontractors , Disciplines, through the agreed WBS of the Project.
  •    Development of all detailed work schedules for the Engineering Work Packages (EWP) using Primavera Project Planner P6 software’s.
  •    Follow up for progress of works of projects in conjunction with specifications and issued plans, aid in development and maintenance of manpower and quantity curves.
  •    Preparation of weekly, monthly progress and historical reports, Budget & Cost control reports as well as Monthly forecast reports.
  • Collect, interpret and input schedule data into the project control database and provide output to the project team, assist in preparing status reports and other related project planning and control documentation.


Project Control Lead (Senior Planner/Scheduler)

Worley Parsons - Canada – Alberta

                                                                            SUNCOR ENERGY – FortMcmurray

                                                            Sustaining Projects:-Mining/ SWWM/ Infrastructures Projects – EPC Project                     

January2010 – August2011

•        Development of the whole over Master Projects Schedules  in conjunction & Cooperation  with SUNCOR  team work groups ( Engineering, Procurement and Construction  Teams ),  starting from the early stages of any project up to the most detailed schedule levels used to follow all of the project related life cycle stages including all related  contractors , subcontractors , Disciplines, through the agreed WBS of the Project.

•      Supervisingscheduleandprogressreportingdevelopment,maintenance,monitoring,andanalysis forSUNCOR Sustaining Projects Department.

•       Applying SUNCOR Project Control procedures for all of my entitled projects as a project control lead, Planning & Scheduling and Cost Control

  •       Develop Projects WBSs using the latest project planning and scheduling tools, eg Primavera.
  •       Plan and provide work direction as required in the preparation of planning and scheduling control systems and practices to provide Engineering, Procurement and Construction supervisors the means to evaluate the progress and execution of assigned projects.
  •       Provide staffing guidance to Engineering and Construction supervisors in the areas of planning and scheduling by analyzing and evaluating all relevant and pertinent data.
  •       Analyze major capital projects to plan the effective execution sequence based on current industry practices.
  •       Discuss, coordinate and resolve long term and short term planning and scheduling problems with personnel throughout the company and with contractor’s organizations.
  •       Assist Project Engineers in contractual cost compliance during negotiations of scope changes.
    •       Development of all detailed work schedules for the Engineering Work Packages (EWP) using Primavera Project Planner P6 software’s.
    •       Follow up for progress of works of projects in conjunction with specifications and issued plans, aid in development and maintenance of manpower and quantity curves.
    •       Preparation of weekly, monthly progress and historical reports, Budget & Cost control reports as well as Monthly forecast reports.
    •       Collect, interpret and input schedule data into the project control database and provide output to the project team, assist in preparing status reports and other related project planning and control documentation.


Senior Project Controls Engineer (Senior Planner/Scheduler)

Aecon Lockerbie -   Management CORP       

Alberta, Edmonton -   Canada.


  1.  Firebag Stage 3 Project - Central Facilities Construction Completion  - EPC Project


The Firebag Stage 3 Project (FB03) is a SAGD Project consisting of a field, central facilities and infrastructure facilities required to deliver 62,500 BPCD of dry, desalted diluted bitumen (DB) to the DB metering/pumping facility at the Firebag Site.

The Central Facilities are composed of distinct Plants/Areas as (Inlet Separation Unit, Fuel Gas Area, Oil Removal, Water Treatment Plant area, Steam Generation, Oil Storage, Flare, Glycol, DSU area, and Utilities & Offsite)

  1.  Fort Hills - Infrastructures Utilities Project – PetroCanada

Duties Included: -

  • Provide planning and scheduling support required in the execution of major capital projects in the    Company's Capital Program
  • Development of the Project WBS and building the Master Project Schedule in conjunction & Cooperation with the Client team work groups.
  • Plan and provide work direction as required in the preparation of planning and scheduling control systems and practices to provide Engineering, Procurement and Construction supervisors the means to evaluate the progress and execution of assigned projects
  • Development of Level 4 detailed work schedules for the Engineering Work Packages (EWP) using Primavera Project Planner P6 software’s.
  • Follow up for progress of works on site in conjunction with specifications and issued plans, aid in development and maintenance of manpower and quantity curves.
  • Preparation of weekly, monthly progress and historical reports, Budget & cost control reports as well as monthly forecast reports.
  • Collect, interpret and input schedule data into the project control database and provide out put to the project team, assist in preparing status reports and other related project planning and control documentation.

•     Consolidatingnon-manuallaborstaffingnumbersinjoint-ventureincludinglocalhires.

•     Updatingofstaffinglistwithdepartmentalmanagers.

•     Costforecastingofstaffingrequirementsforprojects life cycle period.




Planning Engineer / Construction Coordinator  

TIC – Canada Company.      

Canada - Alberta, Edmonton.

August 2005 – January 2007


                      Project: -     Shell Scotford Upgrader Expansion 1 –                   Fort Saskatchewan.

                      (Reports to Construction Manager/ Project Engineer)


Follow up for the whole over EPC Project Schedule (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) EPC in Conjunction & Cooperation with the Consultant Scheduler & Consultant Supervisor for all of related issues to the construction Schedule part.

  • Development and maintenance of Level 4 detailed work schedules for Construction Work Packages (CWP) using Primavera Project Planner P3 & P5 software’s.
  • Follow up for progress of works on site in conjunction with specifications and issued plans, aid in development and maintenance of manpower and quantity curves.

•     Manageintegrationofnetworkmanagementapplication,leadmigrationofdata,developmentofstandard workplansforuploadintoapplication.

•     DevelopingandinitiatingweeklyandmonthlyContractor/Clientscheduleandstatusreporting.

•     Introductionofroll-outschedulesandwork-offcurvesfor construction work packages and involved disciplines    progress of works.

•     Introductionofclientmeetingstructuresandconductingofweeklymeetings.

•     TrainingofSubcontractorsprojectcontrolspersonnel.

•     TrainingandmanagingTIC-Canada’sprojectcontrolspersonnel.


Sr Planner/Scheduler

Morrison Hershfield Limited.   Industrial Department

Canada - Alberta, Edmonton.


    Storm water Management Plans (Calculations, Design and Detailed Procedures) for all of related projects, Design of Sewer Sanitary and Potable Water Pipe lines and  connections with existing utilities for all related projects, Preparation of Tendering Documents, Specifications and all data related to Project’s Earth Site works.

  •  Analyze major capital projects to plan the effective execution sequence based on current industry   practices.

•     Overseeingcostandschedulesfortheconstructionwork packages CWP.

•     Supportingtheimplementationanddevelopmentofaschedulingandreportingtoolacrossthe entireproject.

•     Developingandinitiatingdetailedweeklyschedulereportingforprojectmanager,supportinginternal andclientreporting.

•     Conductingweeklyinternalandclientschedulestatusmeetings.

•     Introductionandenforcingof regionalcostandtrendprogramme.

•     Participatingin monthlycostandschedulereviewmeetingswithconstructionsubcontractors.

•     Performinglife-cyclecostanalysisforvariouscellsitetypes.




Planning Engineer/Construction Coordinator

(Cost Control & Scheduling Specialist)

CCC-Consolidated Contractors Company –                       Gaza Strip- PALESTINE                                


                                     SHEIKH ZAYED TOWNSHIP PROJECT        Beit Lahia Area  – GAZA STRIP

•     Supervising schedule and progress reporting development, maintenance, monitoring, and analysis for construction Packages; total installed cost 65 mil. US$).

•      Reviewing and analyzing contractors’ payment applications and invoicing.

•      Initiating and monitoring schedule impact and cost trend analysis.

•      Providing detailed schedule analysis facilitating responses to contractors’ claims.

•      Monitoring and analyzing contractor productivity, providing analysis and recommendations to management.

•      Developing, initiating and monitoring daily, weekly, and monthly contractor reporting.

•      Support of management in weekly contractor progress meetings and in contractor correspondence.

•      Supporting senior management during weekly client progress meetings.

•      Developing, initiating and driving of weekly progress status report for management.

•      Responsible for development, integration and update of contractors’ schedules into integrated master schedule.

•      Key Member of CCC Project Controls team with close interdepartmental ties for gathering, analyzing and verifying information data required for reporting.

  • Applying the approved general method statements for the projects performance of works& overall monitoring of the projects activities
  • Preparation of monthly pay estimates, preparation of change orders, variations cost proposals, Identifying potential areas of cost overruns and implying the needed corrective actions
  • Updating the project schedule and material procurement needed for the project construction continuity
  •    Development and maintaining an effective Quality Control management plan follow up for the performance of all control activities and tests
  • Preparation of an acceptable documentation of the QC activities, and producing the quality specified in the plans and specifications
  • Implementation of the project approved safety plan and the Health & safety Manuals requirements




Project Manager/Planning Engineer

Saqqa and Khoudary Co.Ltd - SAK -                                             Gaza Strip   -     PALESTINE


•     Developing and initiating detailed weekly and monthly reports for Senior Management and the Supervisory team.

•     Key MemberofSAKProjectControlsteamwithcloseinterdepartmentaltiesforgathering,analysingand verifyinginformationdatarequiredforreporting.

•     Developingandinitiatinga detailedweeklyschedulingandreportingprocessfortheimplementationof customerorders.

•     Initiatinga processtooverseetheexpenditures of the projectsandbalancingagainstbudgets.

•    ActingasindependentverifierforensuringaccuracyofdatapriortoobtainingSenior Managementsignaturefor paymentrequests.

•     Trackingandcontrollingtheoveralldepartmentalpurchaseorders managementflow.

  • Applying the approved general method statements for the projects performance of works& overall monitoring of the projects activities
  • Preparation of monthly pay estimates, preparation of change orders, variations cost proposals, Identifying potential areas of cost overruns and implying the needed corrective actions
  • Updating the project schedule and material procurement needed for the project construction continuity
  •    Development and maintaining an effective Quality Control management plan follow up for the performance of all control activities and tests
  • Preparation of an acceptable documentation of the QC activities, and producing the quality specified in the plans and specifications
  • Safety manager including the implementation of the project approved safety plan and the Health & safety Manuals requirements


Projects followed:-

  • Northern Gaza Emergency Sewage Treatment Project. 
  • Construction of Sewage Effluent Infiltration Basins.
  • Eastern Hebron Bulk Water Supply Project - BANI NAIM -4B      

                USAID West Bank and Gaza Mission -

  • The Palestinian Agricultural Partnership Activities project (PAPA) –

                Funded by: -United States Agency for International Development (USAID): -

  • Rafah Compound -- for the EU mission EUBAM. 
  • 1995-Constructing a Complete Water Supply Network in Khanyounes City
  • 1995-Project engineer for Development of El-Sahaba St.
  • 1995-Construction of Rafah (4000 M3) R.Concrete PotableWater Reservoir.
  • 1995-Construction of Bani-Suhila (1000 M3) R.Concrete Potable Water Reservoir.
  • 1995-Construction of Dir El-Balah (2000 M3) R.Concrete Potable Water Reservoir.
  • 1996-Cleaning and Inspection of the Gaza Municipal Sewerage System for Areas A1& A2 Project under the supervision of UNRWA.
  • 1997/98  -- Development of Salah El-Din Road (Stages No. 7 & 8)Extended from El-Gerem mosque intersection to Beit Lahya Pump station area (About 4.00 KM Length)
  • 1997/1998-Gaza Industrial Estate Infra Structure Facilities Phase (1)
  • 1998/1999--GAZA Wastewater Treatment Plant (GWWTP) USAID Contract
  • 1998/1999--Development of Salah El-Din Road (Stage 4) Extended from EL- SHEGAYA Cross to Kishcho Square for 1.20 KM Length.  
  • 1999/2000--PWA Project, Water Carrier to the Eastern Villages - Project no: PWA/ JAP/EV07
  • 1999/2000--PWA Project. Construction of Abu Rashid Storm Water and Sewage Pumping Stations
  • 2000/2001 - Gaza Combined Cycle 140 MW Power Plant


Project Engineer – Civil Eng.

El Nahda Contracting Company.                 ----------                        Libya                                        


 Duties included: -

  • Following all of related construction works on site on a base line of fully awareness of the projects' nature of work and construction techniques
  • Quality requirement as per project specifications and method of inspection to assure the required quality of the end product.
  • Full responsibility regarding safety on site
  • Follow up for the approved time schedule, applying site tests to assure quality as per specifications, direct supervision for construction activities of hold points.
  • Following a variety of construction projects including:
  • Construction of Drainage system, water supply networks and sewage pipe lines.
  • Construction of Fuel stations, including all surveying works.
  • Complete Construction follow up of Residential Building Units including planning, surveying, Reinforced Concrete works, Electrical installations, Internal finishing works
  • Construction of Steel Structure frames (Food Stores Tanks Units) including all Surveying works.
  • Construction of two R.Concrete Potable water reservoirs 700 m3 each, including their Booster Stations Units and all of related Electromechanical Installations.
  • Developing and initiating detailed weekly and monthly reports for Senior Management and the Supervisory team.
  • Key Member of SAK Project Controls team with close interdepartmental ties for gathering, analysing and verifying information data required for reporting.

•      Developing and initiating a detailed weekly scheduling and reporting process for the implementation of customer orders.

•      Initiating a process to oversee the expenditures of the projects and balancing against budgets.

Professional Since: 
Apr-1991 (33.9 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Jan 2010 (15.2 yrs experience, WARNING: 18.8 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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