Tim Readman
I have been working as a construction planner for 40 years in Uk, Middle East and Australia. I have a degree in building from University of Aston and professional certificate of Arbitration from University of Adelaide.
I have worked mainly for construction companies John Laing, Tarmac, Trocon, Cementation, Jennings, Fletchers, Built Environs MACE, Baulderstone & Ahrens as an employee.
I set up my own business in Adelaide in 2006 providing project planning for variety of clients. http://www.trps.com.au/ These have included BHP Billiton, on the Olympic dam Expansion project, Government (DTEI), Building (BERS) and Civil division (Superway), Adelaide aqua Desalination Building Adelaide, Hindmarsh NEB, SAHMRI, Zoo Project, learning Centre, Badge Construction, John Holland Southern Expressway, Built Environs tenders and various projects, Oz Minerals mine infrastructure, BMD tenders, Ottoway Engineering, ODG Electrical, ICE Electrical.
I have a mature family with two sons following me in the Building industry. I sailed on two voyages with Tim Severin Sinbad & Jason Voyage.
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