February, 2006
END Date:
February, 2008 Key Responsibility Areas:
- Develop the 16-week Rolling Programme at Level 4
- Develop the 5-week Rolling Programme (Work Plan Level 5)
- Provide inputs to the weekly progress report and 4-weekly Period Progress Review Report, including current performance indicators and analysis derived from quantified progress / actual labour hours / actual costs inputted on to the PMP, identifying any significant schedule and costs variances to be explained / further investigated. Also report on the status of forecasted achievement of Interface Milestones, and the contract Completion dates.
- Support the Project Engineers in developing and maintaining their rolling cost loaded works programmes to facilitate schedule and budgetary control of activities to Work Plan Level 5.
- Support the Project Engineers in the provision of sub-contractors works programmes.
- Support the Project Engineers in providing access requirements programmes to the Access Planner.
- Support the Procurement Manager and Project Engineers in scheduling requirements for materials deliveries.