Establishing and maintaining the project schedule - this includes setting up multi level schedules in appropriate software programs (MS Project ) and determining the appropriate level of detail for schedules used for projects, studies and bids. Determine the critical path and flow for the project by logically linking scheduling activities. Monitor and report progress and provide regular updated schedules - including resource histograms, progress curves and current versus baseline comparisons. Incorporate scope changes and trends into project schedules and reset the baseline to reflect the current project scope. Manage and co-ordinate the smooth running of the project/planning schedule on site. Continuous analysis of project activities. Set up weekly forecasts and daily task list on site and tracking progress of the site activities. Assist with recovery plans to ensure milestones are achieved and the project completion adheres to the baseline.
Pavement management systems ( assessment of roads condition)
Road construction material testing (lab), topographical survey for new road construction (marking of chainages), Heavy rehabilitation
of roads( planning phase – preliminary designs investigations)