A Project Manager with over 30 years’ in the Steel, Aluminium and Nuclear Industries having represented his client at home and aboard.
16 years of working with Sellafield, at one point working with their directors and deputising as Manager for Delivery of the 2005NTWP to the NDA, has provided him a good understanding of Sellafield’s Operations.
Has a good balance of hands-on experience from design and construction, and a good understanding of business needs, having experience in business establishment, compliance, governance, and development.
Keen to promote working arrangements where technical and procurement specifications are fit for purpose to enable a smooth transition to the construction phase, enabling a programme of work be delivered with increased certainty.
Experience in managing and sometimes nurturing, a supply chain to deliver against challenging nuclear quality requirements, and provide realistic programmes, and reporting against baseline and change controlled works.
Leads by example with a hands-on approach, ensuring the teams have the training, tools, systems, processes, guidance and support needed, giving team members the opportunity to take ownership, to preform and receive recognition where due. Not forgetting to celebrate success.