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Use of a Claims Triage Workshop to Choose an Analysis Method

Use of a Claims Triage Workshop to Choose an Analysis Method” by Bob Kelly CPE, PSP, Chris Carson, PSP, CCM, PMP, Rob Kelly, JR., PSP, CFCC 

Introduction... AACEi Recommended Practice 29R-03, Forensic Schedule Analysis, properly notes that there are a number of factors to consider in choosing a method of analysis in a time-related dispute. The variety, number, and complexity of the reasons to choose the correct method of analysis require more than a casual approach.

The presenters have developed a process that we call a “Claims Triage” and use for every new dispute resolution assignment, organized and guided with a checklist and procedure. This process allows us to bring in expertise from dispute resolution experts in our other offices and provides good opportunity for lessons learned and mentoring. It also ensures that the choice of methodology is carefully considered and documented for use in the analysis, well before the analysis is started. 

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