Tips in Achieving Optimum Economy in Performing Forensic Schedule Analysis
"The Least Cost Way to Achieve Good-Faith Compliance" by By Kenji P. Hoshino, PSP, CFCCA.
AACE’s 29R-03 Recommended Practice for Forensic Schedule Analysis (RP), introduced in 2007, continues to gain industry adherents who use it voluntarily to standardize in-house delay analysis procedures. While the RP is praised for its thoroughness and its detailed recommended procedures some perceive it as creating too high a bar for compliance on delay disputes involving modest claims and for use in pre-litigation settlement venues. I believe this to be an erroneous perception by those who may be familiar but not sufficiently knowledgeable of the document. In fact, the RP provides guidelines for use of CPM schedules that are applicable to all forensic contexts regardless of the size or complexity of the dispute.
This paper presents some tips in achieving optimum economy in performing forensic schedule analysis (FSA) using the RP.