Project Claims Management
Project Claims Management
Claims are an essential part of Engineering, Construction and Project Management (ECPM) day-today activities. It is probably impossible to imagine a project without a claim, if not, then a project wherein the claim situation never arose. Writing claim, reviewing and recommending is one of the functions of professionals in project controls and contract administration domains of ECPM industry.
History of claim writing and recommendation goes back to dates when modern legal systems came into its existence. However, till date in the ECPM industry writing claim remains challenging. Ratio to claim submission and their approval in first time are very low. One of the reasons for this is due to incomplete claim submission and following wrong methodology while writing the claims.
What is a claim?
Let us start with what is a claim? The simplest definition can be “A claim is to assert; to urge; to insist one’s own or as one’s right under the terms of contract or under law.” However in ECPM industry the term claim is often used for either a right to additional time to complete the works or to additional payment and very often the combination of both.
Type of Claims
- Claims for Variation Variation
- Claims for Extension of Time (EOT)
- Claims for Additional Payment due to Prolongation
- Acceleration Claims
- Disruption Claims
- Claims due to change in the legislation
- Some less common type of claims