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Logic Analysis of Resource-Leveled Schedules (MS Project)

Logic Analysis of Resource-Leveled Schedules (MS Project)

By Thomas Boyle, PE, PSP, PMP

Effective management of resources – i.e. planning, procuring, mobilizing, and deploying – is a core competency for successful companies in project-focused industries like construction.  Most scheduling tools based on the Critical Path Method (CPM) – like Microsoft Project – can generate project schedules without resources, but they also include methods for assigning, analyzing, and “leveling” project resources.  In this context, “leveling” means selectively delaying some work (compared to the CPM-based schedule) pending the completion of other, more important works that demand the same resources. 

This simple description could imply the imposition of a certain logical/sequential relationship between two competing tasks (i.e. the “less important” work can only start after the “more important” work is finished with the resources) – sometimes called “soft logic”.  Unfortunately, the leveling engine in Project 2010 does not appear to use, much less preserve, any such soft logic.  Consequently, logical analysis of the leveled schedule – including interpretation of Total Slack to determine critical path or driving logical path – appears invalid.

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