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Developing Multi-Attributes Portfolio Selection Model For Downstream Oil & Gas Projects

Title "Developing Multi-Attributes Portfolio Selection Model For Downstream Oil & Gas Projects"

By: Rico Milza


There are numbers of decision models available for evaluating and selecting potential projects within a corporation, from qualitative to quantitative. Each company, including Indonesian National Oil Company (NOC), should have its own version of a selection model that will allow them to make the best choices among alternatives within the usual constraints.

This paper developed a multi-attributes selection model for downstream projects within Indonesian NOC. The selection model uses single dimensional and multi-attributes value for selecting potential projects. In this paper, the Author demonstrates the development of a multi-attributes selection model using following attributes: Financial (NPV and ERR), Contribution to strategy (Strategic plan and Market Development, and Risks (Probability of Product Success and Influence of External Factors). 

After that, optimization model applied using multi-attributes value and added some specific constraints such as budget constraints, project constraints, and resources constraints.

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