Hi, I am a student in the UCD Msc program at Kaplan Singapore currently doing my final research paper with topic: Is knowledge gained from lesson learned from projects are managed properly by organizations that are based in South East Asia? The main objective of this study is to examine the awareness of the importance of knowledge gained from project lesson learn by personnel involved in project executions. Target of this survey respondents will be manager or non-manager who are involved directly in project execution. Kindly spend about twenty (20) minutes to complete this survey, we will not ask you to provide any information about your identity and your company. Instruction are located in the questionnaire, please provide response based on your best knowledge. Thank you for your participating in this survey, your time and effort are highly appreciated. https://goo.gl/forms/sVAiQXCe6b7kw6OK2 Forum Admin, please let me know if this is not allowed in the forum, I will remove the post, thanks.