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CPM time on old computers prior to 1962

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Samer Zawaydeh
User offline. Last seen 5 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Aug 2008
Posts: 1664

As reported in: "CRITICAL PATH SCHEDULING: Fundamentals and Concepts", Prepared for the 1962 Convention of the American Association of Cost Engineers, June 25 - 27, 1962 Chicago, Illinois.

" Some roughly quoted times on different computers for various projects are: 10 minutes on the IBM 1401 computer for 1,000 jobs; 20 minutes on the IBM 1620 computer for a project of similar size; and 3 l/2 minutes on the IBM 7074 computer for a project of 500 jobs."

I think that the time has changed from minutes to seconds in 50 years. Many will like this trivia.

With kind regards,
