In this new thread, we have two condierations:
1- Owners considerations: When using sophisticated scheduling specifications, owners need to be aware that they pay more for their projects because prudent contractors will price the adherence to the complex scheduling requirements in their bid; or worse, the owner may end up with a contractor that for all practical purposes ignores these requirements and proceeds on a business as usual basis in breach of its contract from day one. When this happens, the owner will usually battle the contractor from the project outset over the contractors non-compliance with the scheduling specifications. Ironically, owners generally choose to use these complex scheduling specifications primarily due to their desire to avoid disputes.
2-Contractors considerations:Faced with the challenges of actually building the project, contractors are inclined to focus their attention during the early stages of the project on buying out subcontractors, hiring project staff, mobilizing materials and equipment, preparing shop drawings, and other critical project start-up activities. Often, low on the priority list is the preparation of the schedule. With limited resources, the contractor will tend to assign the most experienced staff to those activities which in their view are most critical to the projects success (risk management, profit) and the least experienced staff to those activities perceived to be less essential, such as complying with owners burdensome scheduling requirements.
Two conflicted considerations that exist for scheduling. How would you characterize yourself the state of Project Scheduling today?
J. Daniel