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BPC Logic Filter for Microsoft Project

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Tom Boyle
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Joined: 28 Nov 2006
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We've finally gone live with the download and subscription portals for our MSP add-in.

For the professional project manager, scheduler, administrator, or consultant working with Microsoft Project (2010+), BPC Logic Filter is a tool that fills the gaps between Project’s native functionality and the requirements of logic-driven schedule management in complex projects where Total Slack is insufficient.

1. Logic Checkers provide schedule quality reporting as well as dynamic filter controls for targeted review and correction of schedule logic issues.  (Open-ends, danglers, duplicate names, summary-logic, leads/lags, out-of-sequence progress, etc.)

2. Logic Tracers provide filtered or highlighted views of logic paths to and from any task in the project.  Including:

  • A refined QuickTrace macro, with results matching built-in "Task Path" bar styles;
  • Driving, near-driving, and slack paths to any task (more accurate than built-in "Task Path" bar styles);
  • Critical Path and Near-Critical Paths (i.e. Longest Path and Near-Longest Paths, including path relative float);
  • Resource Driving/Critical (and Near-Driving/Critical) Paths;
  • Logic paths through multiple projects (in linked master/sub-project structures).

3. Task Logic Inspector provides detailed predecessor and successor information:

  • More accurate than built-in tools like "Task Inspector";
  • Includes user-selected fields;
  • Provides for logic-based navigation (i.e. Jump/GoTo) forward and backward through the schedule network.

4.  All modes support extreme user customization.

For more information, including download links: