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Earned Value S Curve from Project 2010 visual informs

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Angel Barragán
User offline. Last seen 11 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Dec 2013
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Hello everyone,


This is my first post over here, and I have a question about S Curve (PV, EV & AC). Everything works out good on project 2010 when exporting the data to Excel, I even managed to customize the spreadsheets to my convinience, but there is only one issue about the Earned Value graphic, and its about the way project distributes earned value costs throughout the duration of tasks.

It appears that project assumes the Earned Value cost at the start of the task, no matter how the resource payment method is (at beginning, prorate, at completion).

So whenever I try to graphic the S Curve, PV shows prorated (BLUE) but EV (GREEN) shows values at the start of tasks and keep the number constant.




This is the result of a sample project I made, the graph shows the completion of the task at (100%) in the first day of the project, and it does not prorate the efford made through the duration of the task. Is there a way to make project export data to excel that has the values of Earned Value prorated through the duration of the task?