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Sr Panning Engineer , ENGTP, In-Salah Southern Field Development Project

START Date: 
September, 2005



Senior planning engineer

In-Salah Southern Field Development Project

Prime contractor: SONATRACH, BP and STATOIL.

Design office: PETROFAC


Worked onseveral projects:

Project 1:

LocationIn- Salah  Southern Field

Project Description:

Development Project which includes the following tasks:

1.      Building three new processing units of natural gas on three different sites.

2.      Shutdown work and Tie In in three existing Natural gas processing units. (Brown Field).

3.      Pipeline work between several units.

The mission

-       Development of detailed planning (3 / 4) level project

-       Identification of project constraints

-       Specification of tasks and work schedule

-       Creation of a Work Breakdown Structure.

-       Preparing S-curves, histograms promotions, work convenience and mobilized Manpower.

-       Preliminary validation work (planning level 3, level 4 and all the S-curves and histograms of the project) to the client (Petrofac).

-       Project management and monitoring

-       Starting the schedule and adjustment to each achievement step

-       Drawing S-curves ofthe project progressand analysis.

-       Adjusting Project Schedule to keep the project within budget.

-       Identification of critical tasks that might delay projection completion time.

Technical tools: Primavera 3 and Primavera 6




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