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TECHNIP Planning Engineer

START Date: 
November, 2008
Planning Engineer – Apache Replacement Project

•     I joined the Apache Replacement Project at the start of November 2008. The project brief is to de-commission the original Apache Pipe Lay Vessel and install all Pipe Lay equipment on to a new hull currently known as the North Ocean 103 (Apache II).

•     Main responsibilities
•     Master Control Schedule.
•     Tracking & Baseline Schedule.
•     Actual versus Planned Progress Reporting.
•     Weekly and Monthly Progress ‘S’ Curves.
•     Identification and monitoring of Critical Path and any Float available.
•     Activity Weighting for the Project.
•     Progress tracking using pre-determined Logic and Milestone percentages.
•     Reporting on Physical Progress made by all aspects of the project from Internal & External Engineering, Fabrication to Procurement tasks.
•     Review and comment on bid schedules from potential conversion yards.
•     Inclusion of 3rd party schedules in the Master Control Schedule where applicable.
•     Ensuring 3rd parties follow pre agreed planning procedures to allow consistent reporting practices.
•     Site work is also a requirement for the duration of the conversion period.
•     Additional tasks now include monitoring of the conversion yard’s scheduling & progress reporting.
•     Working with the conversion yard where possible to identify possible areas for improvement within the schedule to work towards early completion.
•     Develop Testing and Commissioning Schedule in conjunction with Technip UK & Conversion Yard Commissioning departments.

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