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Resident Enginner, GTME de VENEZUELA, 230 kV transmission line - Morón Coro

START Date: 
October, 2003
END Date: 
February, 2006

Resident Engineer for a 230 kV transmission line built for CADAFE (National government electrical company). This transmission line was 120 km in length, had 360 auto-supported towers, and contained a total of 2,000 tons of 3-phase conductors and one OPGW cable all the way. This was a 7 MM USD project constructed in Falcon State, Venezuela, during a 16-month period, and took 480,000 man-hours to complete. All work was done to a high level of Health and Safety and ISO-9001 2000 standards.

I was responsible for project control and planning, as well as management and supervision of 250 direct workers and 20 staff personnel. I was also responsible for the work of five subcontractors, cost control, scheduling, client communications, QaQc, labor union issues, evaluations, escalatory, claims, etc.

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