Monitored man hour booking, manpower, material, equipment status on a regular and ongoing basis for the project and highlight any discrepancies to the Project Manager/ Management.• Assisted in the development of manpower requirements for specific work disciplines and assist in resource levelling analysis to perform quantity and manpower resource loading for assigned schedules.• Determined critical path activities for work areas and / or work disciplines and monitor schedule deviations and proposes corrective action/work around solutions.• Identified and re
Assigned tasks to the team members both for long & short term and ensuring their active engagement in work.• Organized various meetings such as project progress review meetings, quality circles, procurement review etc.• Liaised with management and project/maintenance team in development of Work Break Down Structure for progress measurement, scheduling, cost estimating and project control.• Integrated work breakdown structure using scheduling software to manage overall master schedule.• Recorded Project Actuals and ETC to keep track of projec
Posted Sun, 2018-05-20 07:34 by Mohammad Salim R...
May, 1998
END Date:
January, 2018
Worked as a (Site Engineer, Project Manager, Head of Design in Mechanical section, Scheduler, Cost Control, Projects Control, cost estimation supervisor.