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Lessons Learned

Agile Transformation—It’s About the People

The Agile Manifesto declared independence from constraining, process-centric software development methodologies.  The Manifesto advocated for a product-focused, team-centric approach.  As Agile has moved mainstream, it has spawned its own industry of methodologies and tools.  Organizations embracing Agile must remember that people are the key to its success.     

A Simple Process for Developing a Multi-Stakeholder, Integrated, Delivery Programme

Title: A simple process for developing a multi stakeholder, integrated, delivery programme.


This paper describes a process used to develop a stakeholder owned, multi disciplinary, integrated, delivery programme.

This process puts the planning in the hands of those responsible for delivering the works in a situation where many different organisations need to contribute to successful delivery of part of a project.


Successfully Implementing Project Controls Systems – Lessons Learned through Industry Analysis

"Successfully Implementing Project Controls Systems – Lessons Learned through Industry Analysis"

by Devdas Tamboli, CCE PSP; and Julie Owen, CCC PSP


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