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Quick way to find P6 Activities with Lag

Finding relationship lags between activities in Primavera P6 is not as straightforward as one would like it to be. Out of the box, you either manually check each activity’s relationship or create a report detailing lags.

But what if you want to apply a filter to a layout? The workaround in this video shows how to create a filter for displaying only activities with lags or leads in a Primavera P6 schedule layout.

Links, Lags and Ladders - the Subtleties of Overlapping Tasks

"Links, Lags and Ladders - the subtleties of overlapping tasks" by Patrick Weaver


This paper is designed to help explain the subtleties of overlapping tasks.

Logic in a Precedence Network Precedence diagrams use boxes to represent the basic network elements - the task (or activity).

Tasks have durations giving the period of time required to perform the work they represent and may have other descriptive data attached to them.

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