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Budgeting Continuous Improvements and Process Estimating

3 years 42 weeks ago

1. Problem or Opportunity Statement


WBS Dictionary

3 years 42 weeks ago
Writing the Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary must be done right at the beginning of the project planning stages. This article shows how.

Considering How We Think

3 years 45 weeks ago

We are living in interesting times. All countries are struggling to control the COVID-19 pandemic.  Societies are challenging their histories of racial and social injustice.  Fundamental beliefs are being scrutinized. Considering how we think and understanding our cognitive biases will be essential as we adjust to this “new normal.”     

What we


Considering How We Think

3 years 45 weeks ago

We are living in interesting times. All countries are struggling to control the COVID-19 pandemic.  Societies are challenging their histories of racial and social injustice.  Fundamental beliefs are being scrutinized. Considering how we think and understanding our cognitive biases will be essential as we adjust to this “new normal.”     

What we


A Practical approach to Baseline Programme Maintenance (Revised Baseline) under a NEC ECC Framework Contract

3 years 47 weeks ago

A Practical approach to Baseline Programme Maintenance (Revised Baseline) under a NEC ECC Framework Contract


This article aims to discuss the concept of the ‘Accepted Programme’ in the Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) and the New Engineering Contract (NEC) suite in general and its relationship to the baseline


Create Value: Map the Value Stream

3 years 50 weeks ago

If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.” W. Edwards Deming

Our work and home lives our bounded by standard operating procedures and process—and too many of them stink.  We all have encountered 


Delay Start-up Insurance to cover Anticipated Profit, Revenue in a Delayed Project

3 years 50 weeks ago

1. What is Delay Start-up Insurance (DSU)?

Delay in start-up (DSU) cover is designed to secure the portion of revenue which the owner:

  • Requires to service debt; and
  • Realize anticipated profit.

It provides protection against delays arising from physical damage caused by any type of peril included in the relevant


Making Complex Decision

4 years 2 weeks ago

“…when faced with a difficult question, we often answer an easier one instead, usually without noticing the substitution.”  Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow

In the midst of the pandemic, we have and will continue to face numerous 


Primavera p6 WBS grouping bands in excel

4 years 5 weeks ago

PLeae find the below Youtube link for the video how to prepare color bands of WBS in excel with one click


Feedback: The Right Way

4 years 6 weeks ago

Feedback is a critical and valuable management tool.  For managers, it is the engine of continuous improvement.   For employees, it is the gift of valuable insight.  

Unfortunately, many managers feel uncomfortable giving regular feedback, which deprives them of the ability to affect change.  And, many employees mistake feedback as criticism and


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