6 years 5 weeks agoIn most organizations, communication is not a solution, it’s a problem.
It doesn’t matter how much the “leadership team” emphasize its importance; create many channels: email, phone, Skype, meetings; add it to the core values of the organization, or repeat how necessary it is. In this special case, there is no lesson to be learned.
Basic useless communication requires a minimum of
Eight Tips For A Great Project Report
6 years 5 weeks agoWhether you’re writing for a university project or a corporate client at some point it’s likely that most professions will have you writing a report. While for most people it’s not their favourite part of the job, it is a necessary one. When it’s done well, a report is interesting, insightful and can lead to real change. However, done badly and the report becomes a
Are you managing your projects using the rear view mirror?
6 years 5 weeks agoPeter Drucker, arguably the father of modern management, said "What gets measured, gets managed.”
As we manage projects, the activities that we measure need to be carefully selected in order to achieve our organisational goals. One of the issues of only focusing on traditional activity measures is that we are guiding ourselves with purely historical data. This is like driving only using
On Deliverables
6 years 6 weeks agoDeliverables are responsibilities.
Part of a Planner’s job is to help the team to IDENTIFY them.
There is a common problem: Team members don’t know what the deliverables are exactly, so they are not sure how to define them, how to explain them, or how to name them.
The planner’s first step is to assure the team that She knows they are doing their best and they are
Why WBS in important?
6 years 6 weeks agoIt defines limitations and it creates flexibility.
We set boundaries by the breakdown. We define the limits of responsibility, how far an “accountable body” could go, to what extent he/she could be questioned, how their success would be measured and praised. This is what they get the “Great job!” for.
Forming a Team? Plan for Success
6 years 6 weeks agoRemember the last time you joined a new team or organization. What was it like? Was it awkward? Did you make decisions easily? Were expectations clear? Did the team gel immediately?
You probably answered “No” to these questions. High-performing teams do not form quickly or naturally.
As a manager or
Conducting a Successful Brainstorming Meeting
6 years 11 weeks agoWell facilitated brainstorming sessions are amazing. A creative, sharing atmosphere is built. Numerous ideas are generated. Participants feel productive, valued, and are enthusiastic. By contrast, poorly run meetings are horrible. Little is accomplished. People feel frustrated and that they wasted their time.
Brainstorming is a
Our Own Inspirational Stories
6 years 15 weeks agoI believe each of us has our own, undiscovered inspirational story. We have not recognized our own accomplishments. We have not verbalized our achievements into a personal narrative. Or, we may be uncomfortable talking about ourselves.
We consider heroes or great people to be innately different from ourselves. They were destined for
Why Early Client Feedback is Necessary?
6 years 16 weeks agoWhen you set on for a journey, you are not always aware of what exact path you need to take. But how wisely you proceed in your journey is what causes the difference. If you are vigilant enough and decide logically whether to go left, right or straight for every turn you come across; you can easily avoid deep U-turns. Taking that surprise U-turn might leave you drained. Possibly you are out of