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Quantities & remeasure

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ian mcbride
User offline. Last seen 8 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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We have a re-measure contract, while there is some ambiguity in the measurement rules we have demonstrated that our tender rate was based on the billed quantity. The billed quantity can be clearly demonstrated how it was achieved.

Due to the ambiguity in the measurement rules the main contractor insists on only paying a reduced re-measurement. The ambiguity relates to the starting levels.

However this reduction represents a 42% reduction in the billed quantity and that one item (re-measurement) represents a reduction of 25% of the original contract sum.

Contractor says there is no chance of a re-rate. Our tendered rate build up also relates to time and the actual time taken to do the works is as we allowed for.

Surely this is incorrect? Are there any guidelines for when re-rates should be applied?


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Hi Ian

Welcome to Planning Planet

This is a QS problem so I will have to go back 25 years.

Your query is not that clear - I assume that you are a sub-contractor working for a main contractor.

The measurement rules should be stated in the contract - if not then the published method of measurement that is applicable to your trade should apply.

Generally the billed rates apply to similar work executed in similar circumstances.

You will have to be more specific to get a more detailed answer.

Best regards

Mike Testro

PS You only need to press the SAVE button once - I have deleted the other two entries.