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Value Performance Index

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Vaish Asaithambi
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Value Performance Index - Any one know what it is and is there any formulae for that.



Peter Holroyd
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if the 96.5% is an accum SPI against the baseline which you feel is realistic (and you done already done a resonable amount of work to make the numbers real)
you have looked at the top 5 critical paths and everyboby working on todays critcal activities is fully aware and committed to delivering them on time
the Float Trend Analysis looks OK
your not counting out of sequence progress
the programme is suddenly not calling for a step change in performance
then go on, take them out for a drink and put it on expenses. You’ll need the Quodos when the going gets tough !
Luca Basile
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Pay attention.
There are not vitual limit to the SPI value.
At the end of the project it will be always 1.00 (as you will have performed all the scope)
It is "valid" between the 15 and 75% of the project progress
When the project is <15% there are not enought data to have a statistical meanfull population for EV when progress>75% it tends to 1.00.

Been SPI = Earned / planned
you may have performed activity out of sequence and Earned a value bigger than the planned thanks to non critical activity.
It will give you a SPI >1.00 but if you miss a critical activity your project may be in delay.

Hope this help
George Fosana
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I’ve got a 96.5% SPI overall total as of this week. Is there any range of tolerance by how much can we say the progress is OK and not and alarming, i mean what is the maximum SPI value we are allowed to achieve.
Paul Knighting
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If it’s CPI:

BCWP (EV) / ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed)

If it’s SPI:


Hope this helps!
Gary Whitehead
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Would that be the same as Cost Performance Index?

If so, it’s earned value divided by (PPC x planned value)

...i hope.... -it’s been a while...