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Moving from P5 to Powerproject - Your thoughts please!!

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Stephen Phillips
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My company is proposing a move over from Primavera to powerproject. Considering the rail industry in the UK tends to favour P5 I'm a little concerned about the move.

Anyone got experience of this and any documentation available anywhere?


Rafael Davila
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I personally believe P6 is a very bad choice for the General Contractor; his needs are better served by software that is more powerful and capable while being easier to use. 

Do not underestimate Asta Powerproject, you might get a pleasant surprise after you know how to use it, a scratch on the surface is not enough. Based on my experience when I was looking for my best fit I received a well above average support from Asta, here again you will get a pleasant surprise. Same as you are skeptical about Powerproject I was skeptical about Spider Project, even in the first two weeks of trial my mind was still rejecting it, now I do not change a single Spider license for a thousand of any other.

I believe there is a misconception about Primavera Products being the “best” based on the fact it was essentially the first “most used” CPM software on the PC Market, although perhaps MS Project already had the distinction at that time. Most used does not necessarily means Best. However, times have changed and now many, although a small percentage of the grand total, do have a need to manage large portfolios of jobs old P3 cannot handle.

For some P6 might be an alternative, though not sure if true, for me it is not. I believe your company is making the move this time not by mere perception of what Primavera products are but based on their own experience; they are looking for their best fit. Better some action than none.

Perception can fool whole generations, not only the individual. My father always though milk was good for those with ulcers, it was a belief of his generation. Newton was wrong and forgot to add a few factors into his equations. Einstein was wrong about the rate of expansion of the universe. New neurons can, in fact, be created in the brain and some alcohol can be good to your health same as coffee.

In the US it is common practice by Government Agencies to brand specify Primavera even when against the law, you in the UK shall specify only European Union software as to make a balance.

