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Variance between Planned and Actual % complete

6 replies [Last post]
Cristina Blades
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Posts: 24
I am trying to display a column for planned % complete, one for actual % complete and one column for the difference between the 2 in order to show management how far behind each individual deliverable is and also, a certain phase (so it has to roll up to Level 3,2,1). Could you please share your suggestions on how best to display this? i.e. which columns to best use, etc. The project is set up as follows:
*Duration type - Fixed duration and Units/Time
*Percent complete type - Duration
*Activity type - Resource dependent

Thanks in advance,


Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Cristina,
Unfortunately average is not available that is why I always Variance - BL Project Duration (at least it give you correct variance). If you really need a correct variance on the schedule you can use Budgeted Labor unit - Actual Labor Unit / Total Budgeted Unit. It’s like weight factor style so more UDF need to define to do calculations.
Rodel Marasigan
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By default P6 use linear distribution on resources. You can use future bucket features (manual input) or resource curve available default or you can create you own or modify existing.
Cristina Blades
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Posts: 24

Thank you.

This is exactly what I used (as columns) but was wondering if my choice was correct.

I will try the Variance-BL Project Duration column as well.

I had already created the global change & user defined field, but I can only ’define’ the field as ’number’ (which rolls up to higher level - as a sum - rather than averaging the % complete)... Is there any way I could get a user field to show up as percentage, rather than number? (I don’t think so, but better ask the experts...)
Good luck with the month end reporting!! and thanks again for your assistance!
Erickson Tria
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I’ve noticed that it doesn’t show percent complete on the band if you don’t use performance or duration. You’ll need to have a resource loaded programme in order to do that.
Thanks for the information, I’ll try to experiment on it.

I also notice that P6 distribute the remaining cost or units linear if there is no assigned resource curve.How about if you manually done it or does future bucket planning.How does P6 distribute the remaining quantities?

Thank you again guys!
Rodel Marasigan
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In P5 Planned % complete = Schedule % complete and Actual % complete = Activity % complete or Performance % complete. Activity % complete don’t summarise total so I recommend Performance % complete instead.

For Variance column, select Columns-> Duration-> Variance – BL Project Duration. If you want specific % variance you can use Users Define Field and global change Schedule % complete – Physical % complete.
Mike Testro
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Hi Cristina

In P6 there is probably a formula facility where in 1 column you can place a formula which will calculate the difference between two other columns.

If this is being expressed in say - work days - I am not sure how it will be rolled up to the upper summary levels where a total number of days will be meaningless.

A calculated % difference ie 50% planned 30% achieved may produce a difference of 20% and these may be + or - numbers.

Why not just leave the progress line in Zig Zag format to give a visual representation of the differences.

Best regards

Mike Testro