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percent complete from xls to P5

3 replies [Last post]
Johnny Pain
User offline. Last seen 2 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2005
Posts: 47
hi everyone,

I have a problem when importing an XLS file into P5.

I use an export from P5, run some macros to update some fields, and then import it back into P5.
but it seems that the only field bugging me is the percent complete, which does not import correctly.

in fact, on a 10 activities panel, it has worked for 3 tasks, and every other percentage goes into the "effort_complete_pct" field, which results in no progress at all and a modified upt (which we do not want); in the original export that I modify, the field is clearly stated as "complete_pct", and this field I update, but it seems like when importing, it goes into the wrong field.
I also modify some other fields, like actual start & finish dates, and I even calculate myself, depending on the percentage, the actual_qty & remain_qty on the "TASKRSRC" worksheet.

we looked into it a bit, and saw that every option making fixed duration & upt are on, so now we really don’t know why it acts like this.

last year we used the exact same macros, and it worked fine. we compared both projects, but found no differences in project configuration.

does someone have an idea ?
we’re kind of stuck...

thanks !


Johnny Pain
User offline. Last seen 2 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2005
Posts: 47
after a buncha tries, it seems that the problematic activities have a duration with an odd decimal, like 2.5 hrs.
apparently it works just fine with activities like 2.6 hrs.
if this may help...
Johnny Pain
User offline. Last seen 2 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2005
Posts: 47
in fact every activity is set on "duration".
I’ll look forward to the "duration (or physical) percent complete", but I’m pretty sure these fields are marked with an asterisk... doesn’t this mean that these fields cannot be updated by excel ?

thanks anyway for the answer.
Ian Nicholson
User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 42
I think your problem is that you are exporting the field Activity Percent Complete and you have the Percent Complete Type set to "Units" instead of "Duration" or "Physical" for the activities that are not working properly. The ones that work are most likely set correctly.

I find it better to use the appropriate percent complete field (Physical, Duration, Units) rather than Activity Percent Complete, since that field will show different information depending on the activity settings.

BTW, that’s also why Activity Percent Complete doesn’t roll up in Layouts.
